Chihuahua Puppy Clothes and Fine Dining: An Unusual Story!

I’m going to talk very briefly about chihuahua puppy clothes and tell you an insane story from an experience I had recently! If you’re just looking to shop for these little chihuahua clothes, you can find them at the link there on the left that will take you straight to the Chihuahua Shop, which is the best place to find them! But as for the story: these little chihuahua puppy outfits are super adorable, and as I recently witnessed, they can cause quite a scene!

I was recently dining in a fine restaurant with a friend in the afternoon over lunch. We were eating, going over some numbers for his business, enjoying the food, and everything was normal. And then BANG: “OOOOHHHMYYYYGOOSHHHHH!!! Look at how CUTTTTE they are!!” some woman screeches at the uppermost register of her vocal range! Of course, everyone looks over in her direction, and so we see her standing over this table and, specifically, this woman, who it turns out has two little chihuahua puppies in her lap! And these chihuahua puppies aren’t just ordinary chihuahua puppies: they are 1) super young, so they’re tiny and insanely adorable, and 2) they’re both dressed in these super adorable little chihuahua puppy clothes that make them look like the latest SUPER cutie pies to make their birth in this world, after being conceived in the land of pure aesthetic adorableness, haha!! They were stupid-cute, as my friend put it.

So it was a big deal and, of course, everyone at the restaurant was trying to lean around and get a peak and see what all the commotion was with these little chihuahuas and their little fashion dog clothes. Now, the restaurant we were in is itself is a “big deal”: it’s a very well-known and hard-to-get-into-place, and so for something to steal it’s proverbial thunder like this is rare. But it happened!–these chihuahua puppies were IT for their fifteen minutes of fame!

And in truth, it was more like five minutes of fame because after everyone started walking by the table to catch a glimpse and get in a quick pet, some started taking pictures with their stupid cell phones and flashes started going off and it really started to call a lot of attention to the table. And the woman eventually had to leave because in a restaurant like that, dogs aren’t allowed–sucks, I know, but that just how it works in those places.

But holy crap, what a scene! After some heated discussion and a dramatic exit on the woman and her partner’s part, the place abuzz with gossip and chatter about the cute little chihuahuas and their little chihuahua puppy clothes. If you’d like to stir up the hive like this yourself and equip yourself for such an occasion, you can do so over at the Chihuahua Shop, where you’ll find all the latest lines of outfits and coats and sweaters and high fashion for the distinguished chihuahuas with good taste in your life 😉 Cheers, and talk to you again soon! -Mikey Davis

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Published by

Mikey Davis

A few years ago, I had never even seen a chihuahua. Now I own and foster my own, and I've become such a lover of chihuahua clothes that I've opened my own Chihuahua Shop! It's been a crazy journey, but I love dogs, and chihuahuas are my calling :)