Three Stores Where You Can Find Quality Clothes For Dogs Cheap

Before I started the Chihuahua Shop, I would look around for cheap dog clothes online and in the the offline, real-world dog clothing stores to find inexpensive chihuahua clothing for my little foster dogs to keep them warm at night and to dress them up a bit to make cuter “adopt-me!” pictures. I’d search all over for these clothes, looking for clothes for dogs cheap on Google and everywhere else I could look online, and I just didn’t see very much that really spoke to that inner dog-lover-fashion-crazed person that I wanted to express through the chihuahua clothes my little dogs wore, without spending a pile of money on a little frilly dog tutu or a basic dog sweater.

In fact, I still find that when I look around online, asside from places like the LoveLongLong dog clothes store, that has cool small dog coats for relatively low prices and cheap raincoats for dogs that actually look half-decent, unlike the bulk of discount dog clothing I see at a lot of the other shops I used to buy from. They have a good store, and at the discount end of the chihuahua clothes spectrum, it’s a store I try to emulate.

It’s actually very hard to sell low cost pet clothes today, with the international customs fees and shipping costs that really make a dent in your pocket book: it’s not always easy. But at the Chihuahua Shop, we too have our share of cheap dog clothing for those looking for a more frugal approach to dog fashion. Those cool dog bandanas and other little accessories and clothes for dogs on the cheap are arriving each week, and we’re adding the new inventory to the store as fast as we can, because as much as I personally prefer the nicer chihuahua clothes, I believe dog clothing should be available to everyone, even those with only a little extra cash to pamper their little chiwawa pup with.

Wholesale Dog Clothing

If you’re really looking for a deal on your small dog’s clothing and you’re looking around for wholesale chihuahua clothes, for example, I’d recommend you check out either the Lovelonglong dog clothes store or the DogDug dog clothing store.

Both of these stores give you insanely low wholesale prices on their dog clothing if you buy within certain parameters and your shipment meets their conditions, and you can score some absolutely insane deals on cheap dog clothing. If you’re dead set on dressing up your pooch into that fashionable dog you’ve always wanted in your need to find your dog clothes wholesale priced before you can consider buying them, those two stores will be your best bet, if you ask me.

I wish I could say we have the lowest priced awesome chihuahua fashion here at our Shop, but right now, I have more of a boutique chihuahua fashion focus for the store and I’m working on finding the best, highest quality chihuahua outfits for the store right now, and the wholesale price option just isn’t possible for us right now. But again, Lovelonglong Dog Clothing is awesome in my experience, and while I haven’t tried them out personally, I have heard some good things about the DogDug, so you might want to check them out.

At the Chihuahua Shop, we do have some discount dog dresses and chihuahua clothes on sale now for the season, and they’re a steal for what you’re getting quality-wise. Clothes for dogs that are cheap are not always easy to find in any vaguely appealing form, but they are out there and you can find them if you look hard enough or you follow my advice, above. I really hope that helps, I hope you find what you’re looking for either at Chihuahua Shop or the other places mentioned here, and good luck in your search! -Mikey

browse the chihuahua clothing store

Published by

Mikey Davis

A few years ago, I had never even seen a chihuahua. Now I own and foster my own, and I've become such a lover of chihuahua clothes that I've opened my own Chihuahua Shop! It's been a crazy journey, but I love dogs, and chihuahuas are my calling :)

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