Dog Pyjamas: Cute Outfits That Help Dogs With Short Hair Stay Warm At Night

I’ll be honest: if someone had recommended I buy my dog a pair of pyjamas a couple of years ago, I would have thought they were on crack. Even today in the pet stores: “why on earth would my dog need a pair of dog pyjamas?!” many pet owners continue to exclaim when they first see them on the shelves in the dog clothing isle.

My bewilderment came down to the thing I had in common with these in the pet stores today: I had never looked after, owned, fostered, or HAD a chihuahua, or any small short hair dog for that matter!

Once you finally spend a bit of time with one of these little guys in your life, you quickly discover that they spend an inordinate amount of time shaking and shivering! And it gets a little hard to watch after a while; “that can’t be comfortable,” you think.

And it’s the worst for these little dogs at night, because it cools down even further and the dogs are often snoozing close to or actually on the floor–where all the coldest air resides–and so they curl themselves into a little ball and just try to huddle up and keep as warm as they can while also shivering their little buts off, often.

And that’s where these dog pyjamas come in: they keep your dog a lot more more at night so this doesn’t happen, basically. They also happen to make your dog look ridiculously cute 😉

I was first introduced to dog pajamas years ago: my friend had bought a pair of them for her little yorkie, and I’ll admit it: I laughed when I saw them. I just couldn’t see the reason for buying pyjamas for your dog–“they have a coat of hair after all, don’t they? They don’t wear little pairs of puppy pajamas in the wild!” So I gave my friend a hard time for dressing her little doggy in these flannel dog pants and the little dog night shirt. The whole idea of it seemed funny to me, even if that little dog did look insanely cute in those pyjamas….

The thing was, though, that up until that point, I had only ever owned and fostered bigger breeds of dogs: labradors, pit bulls, boxers, and a cocker spaniel. I had never had a need to dress any of my dogs up in doggie sweaters or any of those K-9 coats or anything like that. My dogs were just always seemed to be warm enough without any additional help from clothing during the day or at night from little pyjamas for dogs!

Fast forward a few years: I get into a relationship, and my new girlfriend has a chihuahua and a yorkie of her own, and they both shiver at night–especially the chihuahua.  I had never lived with little dogs before so I had never seen this, but now it made sense to me!  These little dogs actually do benefit from wearing their cute puppy pyjamas while they sleep.  Otherwise, they jump up on the bed and try to burrow under the covers and snuggle as close as possible with me just to stay warm!  So it wasn’t long after meeting my girlfriend that I was introduced full-time to the vast world of chihuahua clothes and all these different little coats and outfits for dogs!

There were sweaters and coats, costumes, and yes: even little dog pyjamas that they wore at night.  I still find it a little funny, but now my little snuggle bugs come running over to me whenever I pick up a pair of clothes for chihuahuas in my house, practically begging for me to put them on them to make them more comfortable!  They love these little dog jumpers and puppy sweaters… all of it!  They look so cute all dressed up in their fashionable night pajamas for dogs!

Anyway, enough of my story.  I’m sure you know what I mean when I say that little dogs look adorable in their dog pyjamas.  I still find it a little funny and have to laugh sometimes when I see my little doggies running around the corner with their little chihuahua pajamas on, but I know it keeps them warmer and more comfortable at night, which is all I really care about.  I’ve built up quite a collection of these little night clothes for my little adopted pooches and I’ve tried a lot of different retailers both offline and online when buying dog pyjamas for my chihuahua and my other little dogs, but my favorite lately has been this store here: GW Little.  If you’re looking for a good pair of pyjamas for your little dog, click that link and it will take you to their selection, and you’ll find some of the best ones available.  I hope that’s helpful, I’ll talk to you again soon! -Michelle

browse the chihuahua clothing store

Published by

Mikey Davis

A few years ago, I had never even seen a chihuahua. Now I own and foster my own, and I've become such a lover of chihuahua clothes that I've opened my own Chihuahua Shop! It's been a crazy journey, but I love dogs, and chihuahuas are my calling :)

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