Chihuahua Dog Christmas Outfits

The latest chihuahua dog christmas outfits to arrive at the Chihuahua Shop are as festive as ever and feature some great holiday themed patterns to add a little jingle to your pack’s holiday motif! These Christmas-themed chihuahua clothes for smaller dogs come in dog t-shirt form, as well as harness-lined t-shirts, fleece-lined sweatshirts, and hooded t-shirts for the cooler Christmas time weather!

If you’re someone who celebrates the holidays and who has a little pack of chihuahuas or other toy breed dogs, you’re going to love these little red and white chihuahua shirts! Some of them feature Santa Claus, others feature popular Christmas time sayings, while others yet feature sassy little sayings like “Santa beware I bite!” These are simple little Christmas outfits for dogs that can bring a smile to anyone’s face.

And not only do these adorable shirts look great on smaller dogs like chihuahuas and yorkies, they make a great gift to give to a friend with little dogs. It’s not the easiest thing to shop for your friends, sometimes, but I’ve noticed most dog owners love getting gifts for their pets, especially if it’s clothing for a smaller dog like a chihuahua! These little dog Christmas outfits for the smaller breeds make an easy gift to give in those situations when you just can’t figure out what to give your dog-loving friend for Xmas!

So if you’re a chihuahua lover and you’re looking to get your dog or your entire pack of adorable little chihuahuas into the Christmas mood, just head over to the Chihuahua Shop and check out the selection of Christmas chihuahua clothes. Alternatively, we have a few other dog Christmas outfits, including Santa’s Christmas coat costume that you can see right there if you check out that link, if that is more of what you’re looking for! So be sure to click and check them out, and we’ll speak again soon.

visit the Chihuahua Store!

Chihuahua Puppy Clothes and Fine Dining: An Unusual Story!

I’m going to talk very briefly about chihuahua puppy clothes and tell you an insane story from an experience I had recently! If you’re just looking to shop for these little chihuahua clothes, you can find them at the link there on the left that will take you straight to the Chihuahua Shop, which is the best place to find them! But as for the story: these little chihuahua puppy outfits are super adorable, and as I recently witnessed, they can cause quite a scene!

I was recently dining in a fine restaurant with a friend in the afternoon over lunch. We were eating, going over some numbers for his business, enjoying the food, and everything was normal. And then BANG: “OOOOHHHMYYYYGOOSHHHHH!!! Look at how CUTTTTE they are!!” some woman screeches at the uppermost register of her vocal range! Of course, everyone looks over in her direction, and so we see her standing over this table and, specifically, this woman, who it turns out has two little chihuahua puppies in her lap! And these chihuahua puppies aren’t just ordinary chihuahua puppies: they are 1) super young, so they’re tiny and insanely adorable, and 2) they’re both dressed in these super adorable little chihuahua puppy clothes that make them look like the latest SUPER cutie pies to make their birth in this world, after being conceived in the land of pure aesthetic adorableness, haha!! They were stupid-cute, as my friend put it.

So it was a big deal and, of course, everyone at the restaurant was trying to lean around and get a peak and see what all the commotion was with these little chihuahuas and their little fashion dog clothes. Now, the restaurant we were in is itself is a “big deal”: it’s a very well-known and hard-to-get-into-place, and so for something to steal it’s proverbial thunder like this is rare. But it happened!–these chihuahua puppies were IT for their fifteen minutes of fame!

And in truth, it was more like five minutes of fame because after everyone started walking by the table to catch a glimpse and get in a quick pet, some started taking pictures with their stupid cell phones and flashes started going off and it really started to call a lot of attention to the table. And the woman eventually had to leave because in a restaurant like that, dogs aren’t allowed–sucks, I know, but that just how it works in those places.

But holy crap, what a scene! After some heated discussion and a dramatic exit on the woman and her partner’s part, the place abuzz with gossip and chatter about the cute little chihuahuas and their little chihuahua puppy clothes. If you’d like to stir up the hive like this yourself and equip yourself for such an occasion, you can do so over at the Chihuahua Shop, where you’ll find all the latest lines of outfits and coats and sweaters and high fashion for the distinguished chihuahuas with good taste in your life 😉 Cheers, and talk to you again soon! -Mikey Davis

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Tiny Puppy Clothes: Bringing Out The Best In People

I don’t think I’m too far off the rocker when I say I think tiny puppy clothes are super cute, totally adorable, and just about the most ridiculously ballin’ way you can dress up your little dog!

So you can hear someone else’s perspective on the matter, though, my friend Elle from New York City is going to share her thoughts on these little puppy clothes. She’s a chihuahua owner who owns a lot of small puppy clothing and has more chihuahua clothes outfits than anyone I know–and I know a LOT of dog clothing nutbags, so that’s saying something!

Elle brings a unique perspective to the tiny little world of mini puppy clothes, and I think you’re going to enjoy hearing from her, so we go:

Elle: Thanks again to Mikey for letting me guest post my crazy puppy clothes thoughts here, today!

Alright, so I dress my dogs up A LOT. I go out into the city to run my daily errands and I take my dogs with me whenever possible. I talked at length about that in my last post and how that can lead to you meeting a lot more people of the opposite sex!

But today, I want to talk briefly about how little dog clothes can lead to all sorts of people from all walks of life and different situations being a lot more friendly and nice toward you and your little doggies. I’ve noticed that whenever I head out with my tiny doggies and I have them bundled up in their cute little chihuahua clothes, people tend to approach me and by dogs with a more relaxed and friendly vibe than when my dogs are with me but they’re going au naturale or when I’m out on my own, alone!

Whether my four little puppies are wearing their cute little dog t-shirts or they’re wearing their haute couture dresses and outfits, or they’re just wearing their cute little, silly costumes, there’s definitely something to these tiny chihuahua puppy clothes that has a magical effect on most people. People see these tiny puppy clothes and it makes them feel good for some reason, and that translates into them treating and and your doggies and the situation with more love and care! It’s a little bizarre, but it works, so I’m not going to mess with it!

And I notice this happening pretty much everywhere we go. If I’m out with my dogs and they’re wearing their little bitty puppy outfits, people are just more friendly to us. When my dogs are wearing their irresistible small doggy clothes, people go out of their way to do things for us more often, like opening the door and letting us go first and take cuts… it’s great! These tiny clothes for puppies come with a lot of social benefits, that’s for sure!

When my little chihuahuas are sporting their latest small puppy clothes, people just approach us with a more happy, friendly energy. Often times, they’ll come up to my little dogs in their small puppy shirts and start talking to them before me, which can be a little annoying at times, I’ll admit. But usually it’s cool, and I understand: the tiny puppy sweaters and little dog outfits my little guys wear ARE pretty freaking adorable, and I know there are definitely times when I find it difficult to contain myself when I’m out walking my dogs and we pass by other dogs that are dressed up like nobody’s business! I do sometimes talk to the dressed up puppies first… I guess I’m really talking to and complimenting the owner, but I’m playfully masking it as though I’m sweet talking the tiny puppies!

I even notice my doggies get the special treatment at the vet’s office when they’re wearing their cute little chihuahua clothes. The vets just approach them with a more friendly, patient energy, and that definitely helps make the vet experience easier.

So definitely try out tiny puppy clothing on your little guys. These little outfits really seem to invite levity and friendliness into a lot of different social situations involving complete strangers, and that can be very useful at times and just plain more enjoyable, other times. Try it out and let me know how it goes! xoxo <3 -Elle Mikey: ...Yeah, I can totally relate Elle's experience with people 'showing you more love' when you're little dogs are wearing tiny puppy clothes. If you wish to shop for the latest in tiny puppy fashion, by the way, I heartily recommend checking out the Chihuahua Shop’s latest lines of tiny puppy clothing. Go check it out, and I’ll speak to you again very, very soon!

visit the Chihuahua Store!

Toy Dog Clothes: Using Them To Meet Hot Guys?

Well I have a special treat for you today: For the rest of this week, I thought I’d ask my good friend Elle to make a few guest posts about her experience with toy dog clothes and her chihuahuas and her tiny pug dogs. Elle lives in New York City, and we met quite a while ago. I first saw her at a coffee shop, and she was there, sipping on her espresso, with her four little doggies all sporting some of the most cute, adorable little toy dog clothing I’ve ever seen. I was there with a chihuahua I was fostering at the time, and Elle and I hit it off immediately. Over the years I’ve known Elle–this last one in particular–she has really opened my eyes and expanded my mind on just what is possible when it comes to using toy dog outfits to enhance not only your dog’s life, but your own via the interesting situations you land in when you have your small dogs dressed up in crazy-cool, outlandish outfits for dogs.

I think a lot of chihuahua owners imagine some aspect of this kind of dog fashion lifestyle for themselves when they pick out the clothes for their little dog and they wander off into fantasy land and think about this stuff, but Elle really lives this lifestyle, and so I think you’ll get a kick of the unique perspective she brings to the table in the realm of dressing up your toy doggies and the experiences that can flow from it!

Today, she’s going to be talking about toy dog clothes and an interesting aspect about how they can make your life a bit more flirtatious, apparently! So enough of me; here she is:

Toy dog clothes and hot guys: the ultimate ice breaker

I just want to start by thanking Mikey for asking me to do this! It’s an honour to post on his blog here that I know he works very hard at, and this is my first guest post on a website, so this is doubly special for me!

Alright, so straight to it: I think that toy dog dresses and shirts and costumes are one of the very best social ice breakers I have ever stumbled across.

As what I consider to be an attractive woman, I get hit on quite a bit. Every day, in some way, men are checking me out and trying to engage me in some way. Sometimes it’s annoying, and sometimes it’s a really hot guy who’s checking me out and it’s a little exciting. What I’ve found is that a lot of these hotter guys actually have a harder time approaching me than some of the other boys, and that can be so frustrating!

But, I’ve noticed this almost always ceases to be the case when I’ve got my dogs out with me and we’re walking along an THEY are all dressed up in their toy dog clothes. When I’m out with my little angels and they’re sporting their stylish outfits, the hotter guys seem to have a much easier time coming over to me and striking up a conversation.

I don’t know what you will think of that. I know that some people I’ve discussed this with think it’s totally manipulative of your dogs and that’s it’s wrong to “use” them like this. And others are totally floored when I get talking about it with them. Personally, I figure I need to walk my dogs anyways and put in that time to lead them and give them the physical and mental stimulation they need every day, so why not just bring them with me wherever I go in life whenever possible and have my little ice-breaking entourage with me at all times??

It has certainly worked well for me. I find that it still works alright without your pooches wearing their toy dog fashion, but it seems to work a lot better when they are. There’s something about having little dogs dressed up in these cute little outfits that makes for such easy conversation food that it’s beautiful. It gives people something easy to talk about with you… I love it! I’ve had so much more social success while I’m out and about running errands when I have my little dressed up pups with me!

So I HOPE you’ll try this out yourself and see what happens, at the very least! I think it’s important to keep in mind that while I know that bringing my dressed up toy dogs with me increases my chances of having guys I’m interested coming up to me, that’s definitely not the ONLY reason I do it. I genuinely know that my little guys need their exercise and so bringing them with me is just a great way of giving that to them when I’m already going places anyway. But adding the clothes on their little cute, furry backs definitely does increase the likelihood of the more attractive men coming over and talking to me, who would often not do so… 😉

I think Mikey wants me to write him another piece for tomorrow, so I think we’ll be speaking again soon! Leave me some comments if you like what I wrote or you hate it or you have your own take on it! -Elle

Mikey: Thanks so much Elle. I super appreciate it! And… if you are reading this now and you’re interesting in finding out more about the latest toy dog clothes and shopping at what I strongly believe to be THE best store that carries them, look no further than the Chihuahua Shop. You can check it out at that link right below, so hop on over there, check the toy dog clothing out, and we’ll be back again tomorrow with another guest post from Elle! 🙂

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Chihuahua Store With The Latest Chihuahua Clothes

Running a chihuahua store like the Chihuahua Shop has turned out to be a lot more fun than I ever anticipated. Yes, it takes work, but getting to see the latest clothes for chihuahuas and the other breeds of small dogs is a daily treat you just never quite get used to! With all the new types of chihuahua fashion and chihuahua accessories coming in each month, especially this time of year, it’s seriously like the Disneyland of stores to work in for a chihuahua owner and chihuahua clothes lover! Being surrounded by all these small dog clothes each day is a dream job!

With all the small dog clothing stores around today, I’ve really worked hard to make the Chihuahua Shop the best store for chihuahua owners who want to dress up their little companions, keep them warm in the winter, and doll them up all stylish and snazzy in the warmer months. As far as I’m concerned, you can look at every small dog clothing store out there today and you will not find a better store for clothing your chihuahuas than the Chihuahua Shop.

The store specializes in Clothing just for this special little breed, as well as a few other of the smallest breeds of toy dogs. We’ve seen so many lost customers “walk” through the virtual doors of our shop online a bit lost and confused from the maze of other dog clothes stores out there right now, and within minutes, leave, happy and ecstatic with their new fashion for their little chihuahua babies!

We do our best at the Chihuahua Shop to make the experience of shopping for chihuahua dog fashion a pawsitively great one. With the new arrivals at our Chihuahua Store each month, it’s best to check back every few weeks to make sure you don’t miss the latest releases in chihuahua clothes couture in the fast-moving world of chihuahua clothing. So stop by the store today and have a peek for yourself at the greatest clothing store online today for chihuahuas!

visit the Chihuahua Store!