I had to laugh today because I saw some of the new dog jumpers in the UK and dog sweaters at the Chihuahua Store, and it made me think of this crazy dog lady I’ve been seeing on my walks with my two chihuahuas, lately. This woman is perhaps a little off-kilter, but she sure does have a flair for her sense of chihuahua clothes fashion! She’s from the UK and has these five dogs, each a different breed: a husky, a puli, a German shepherd, a yorkie, and a chihuahua; and here’s the kicker: every single time I see them, these dogs are all wearing these CRAZY psychedelic colored dog hoodies that look like they’ve been warped through time from the 60’s! It’s insane. What’s more: every time I see them, they’re running really fast, like almost sprinting! Many people walk their dogs, some people run with them, but this chick freaking BLASTS by with her dogs. It’s like watching some kind of super hero team bolt by on a fashion mission in their little doggy jumpers. I seriously have to fight to not let out this silly giggle every time I witness this bizarre episode!
Personally, I think it’s great what she’s doing. I mean, running with your dog is such a great way to get exercise, to bond with your pet, and to give your dog what is usually some much-needed exercise–it’s such a great opportunity. But this crazy dog woman takes it up a notch, not only with the Olympic athlete speed with which she and her little pack of dogs sprint by me, but they’re all wearing these cool little dog jumpers! I love the hoody! And when you adapt it for physical activity and make them comfortable for your little dog to wear in the case of the chihuahua jumpers, you end up with functional exercise fashion for your dog that’s freaking cool.
Especially for the small dogs, the little chihuahua dog hoodie is invaluable in keeping them cozy and warm and comfortable on a cool day, and I don’t know about you, but dog clothing like small dog sweatshirts have always been not just one of the ways I pamper my dog, but one of the main ways I take care of my apple head chihuahuas and keep them comfy. I know that eccentric, crazy chihuahua clothes are often what people think of when they form a picture of dog clothing in their mind, but those costume outfits and dresses and costumes are but a fraction of this little clothing world for dogs in comparision to the practical apparel of the chihuahua dog sweater and the little dog hoodie. Chihuahua clothes are practical and functional, in addition to being fashionably freaky at times, is what I’m saying.
This crazy lady with the five dogs has her pooches wearing these different jumpers: the yorkie has a wool jumper, the chihuahua wears a little knitted dog jumper that was a birthday present from the owner, and the other three have this customized sporty jogging suit that has a fluorescent flashy, reflective strip on it.
It’s a bit of a freakshow, this bullet-speed pack of dogs and their owner, and I definitely get a kick out of watching their insanely out-of-context exercise regimen go down every day: I think the lesson here is that when in doubt, mix chihuahua clothing with cute dogs and then sprint full blast around the marina with the other little dogs and their owners casually walking around, slowly! Try that out and see the reactions you get, lol!
Anyway, enough about the crazy dog girl. The chihuahua clothes shop has some very high quality chihuahua sweaters and dog jumpers that you can check out at the Chihuahua Clothes shop, and I highly recommend you do because I have seen them and they’re great at keeping your dog more comfortable in cooler places without making it harder for them to walk around. So check them out, see for yourself, and I’ll back here again soon!