Chihuahua Harnesses for Walking Your Small Dog

I want to talk a bit about chihuahua harnesses now because they’re freaking cool and we just got a few new styles of them in at the chihuahua shop! I wanted to start this by pointing out the obvious: that there are about as many ways of walking your dog as there are dogs, but in terms of the tools, typically you’ll see the main three: some people walk their dog with the leash, some walk their dogs off-leash, and other people walk their little dog using a harness. Dog owners using the harness typically do so because they don’t like the thought of hurting their dog’s neck when they’re on the walk. We don’t like the image of our small dog straining her neck with a collar and a leash attached to her tiny neck, and we don’t want to hurt our little precious chihuahua’s neck. So for those of us so inclined, the chihuahua shop has got these new and super adorable harnesses for little dogs, ranging from the customizable chihuahua harness T-shirts (pictured just up on the left, here), to Chole’s Bevery Hills Chihuahua dress set that comes with an integrated harness right in the dress (pictured right below, on the right), to the stylish new chihuahua vest-harnesses (pictured at the bottom of this post!)

So there are a lot of different styles of these harnesses. You can buy the standalone ones that you hook up and clip onto your dog before the walk that you’ll commonly see on bigger dogs, or you can find the chihuahua clothing-integrated harnesses that have the harness built right into the chihuahua clothes like Chloe’s dress here on the right side, so you don’t have to go and find the harness every time you want to walk your dog: it’s always right there in the clothing, which is very handy!

Now traditionally, a harness is used on a dog for tracking purposes. Trainers won’t usually use a harness just for walking a dog because the harness very often creates a pulling reaction in the dog, for when you want the dog to lead and pull you, so it’s used a lot in search and rescue contexts. But people who own smaller dogs may have a claim when some of them say something along the lines of “hey, I like to a harness on my little dog, first of all because she is so small and if something happens on the walk, like she gets freaked out and yanks the other way on the leash, or I turn and we get tangled up or something, and there’s a jerk on the leash, I don’t want to hurt my little dog’s neck; I don’t want to ring her neck with the leash and hurt her! So just to be safe, I like to use the harness when walking her because it makes me feel better, like I’m not in danger of hurting her, and that lets me enjoy the walk more.”

And I can totally relate. As little dog owners, we like to pamper our pets often and take as good care of them as we can, and so I do understand the concern here. So for those of us who like using the harness when walking our little dog (our little dogs, should we be so lucky!), we carry a few different types of these quality harnesses, like the customizable T-shirt harness, the chihuahua dress harness, and even the new fashionable chihuahua harness vests (pictured left.) You can visit the chihuahua store to check them out by clicking the banner below, and I hope to see you in there! They’re very stylish and cool, many even come with a matching leash, and so head on over there, check them out, and I’ll speak to you again very, very soon!

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Published by

Mikey Davis

A few years ago, I had never even seen a chihuahua. Now I own and foster my own, and I've become such a lover of chihuahua clothes that I've opened my own Chihuahua Shop! It's been a crazy journey, but I love dogs, and chihuahuas are my calling :)

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