Toy Dog Clothing for Chihuahuas

Ever since I first adopted my chihuahuas a few years back, I’ve had a soft spot for toy dog clothing and the chihuahua clothes I love to dress up my little doggies with. For me, small dog clothing is my favorite way of really externalizing my chihuahua’s personality for others to see and “get” immediately, and to just have my own fun with dressing her up and living in a bit of a chihuahua fantasy land! But recently, I ran into a situation at puppy training class with a new chihuahua rescue I’m fostering right now where toy dog clothes were actually getting in the way!

So this chihuahua rescue I took in a few weeks ago, he has a lot of potential to be a chihuahua superstar: he’s very attentive, he’s super obedient, and he loves wearing his toy dog outfits. So I enlisted him in puppy training classes and have been taking him three times per week to his classes with him dressed up in his chihuahua clothing.

The problem is not with my chihuahua pup or any of the other dogs: they’re all super friendly and they get along famously. This bizarre problem has to do with the other dog owners and my little chihuahua doggie’s toy dog fashion that I dress him in: his toy dog clothing is drawing too much attention from the other owners in the class and they’re actually getting distracted from the exercises we’re supposed to be doing and it’s interfering with the entire class. It’s insanity!

I go to these dog training classes with my chihuahua dressed up in his toy doggie clothing, and I almost feel like I’m trapped in a zombie movie or something with all of these people coming after me and my dog who simply can’t control themselves and keep from coming after us to touch him and talk to me! It’s insanity! Combining this little chihuahua with his tiny chihuahua dog clothes is proving to be too much for these other owners to handle! They see my little Winston in his cool toy dog apparel and it’s like gravity pulling them away from their training exercises with their own dog: they have to come over and talk to me and comment on how cute my chihuahua is in his toy dog clothing and how he reminds them of this other dog they once had, and this and that… it’s madness, I say.

I like to use chihuahua dog clothing to help dogs and people, not interfere with them, so for the last two classes, I’ve actually left my little chihuahua pup’s toy dog costumes and small dog coats off, in the car, just so that he isn’t quite as much of a draw. It’s been helping, as the other owners are doing a better job of concentrating on their work, but now my little Winston isn’t getting his training while wearing his small dog coats and his little dog clothing, which isn’t ideal because I want that association to be there. Perhaps I’ll have to dress him back up in his toy dog clothing after a few more sessions and see if the other owners can behave themselves.

I’m almost hesitant to do this because I know that whenever you dress up a chihuahua in clothing for toy dogs, it’s like giving the world an invitation to come over and touch your dog and squeal with delight and remark over how cute your doggie is! And then I have to almost get into that “alright bitch, back the f!*# away from my dog!”-mode just to stop all the commotion and continue with what I was wanting to do. I don’t like having to go there, but sometimes duty calls, you know?

Haha! Well anyways, the Chihuahua Shop has some super high quality toy dog clothing that I think you should check out if you’re into your chihuahua toy dog’s clothes and you enjoy dressing her up into that toy dog fashionista diva superstar. So head over to the Shop, check it out, and I’ll back again soon, probably with another weird story about toy dog clothing that hopefully does not involve me punching someones lights out for not giving me and my chihuahua the space we need to do our training work, after I snap, black out, and lose it. Lol. Speak soon, -Mikey

visit the chihuahua clothes shop

Published by

Mikey Davis

A few years ago, I had never even seen a chihuahua. Now I own and foster my own, and I've become such a lover of chihuahua clothes that I've opened my own Chihuahua Shop! It's been a crazy journey, but I love dogs, and chihuahuas are my calling :)

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