Three Stores Where You Can Find Quality Clothes For Dogs Cheap

Before I started the Chihuahua Shop, I would look around for cheap dog clothes online and in the the offline, real-world dog clothing stores to find inexpensive chihuahua clothing for my little foster dogs to keep them warm at night and to dress them up a bit to make cuter “adopt-me!” pictures. I’d search all over for these clothes, looking for clothes for dogs cheap on Google and everywhere else I could look online, and I just didn’t see very much that really spoke to that inner dog-lover-fashion-crazed person that I wanted to express through the chihuahua clothes my little dogs wore, without spending a pile of money on a little frilly dog tutu or a basic dog sweater.

In fact, I still find that when I look around online, asside from places like the LoveLongLong dog clothes store, that has cool small dog coats for relatively low prices and cheap raincoats for dogs that actually look half-decent, unlike the bulk of discount dog clothing I see at a lot of the other shops I used to buy from. They have a good store, and at the discount end of the chihuahua clothes spectrum, it’s a store I try to emulate.

It’s actually very hard to sell low cost pet clothes today, with the international customs fees and shipping costs that really make a dent in your pocket book: it’s not always easy. But at the Chihuahua Shop, we too have our share of cheap dog clothing for those looking for a more frugal approach to dog fashion. Those cool dog bandanas and other little accessories and clothes for dogs on the cheap are arriving each week, and we’re adding the new inventory to the store as fast as we can, because as much as I personally prefer the nicer chihuahua clothes, I believe dog clothing should be available to everyone, even those with only a little extra cash to pamper their little chiwawa pup with.

Wholesale Dog Clothing

If you’re really looking for a deal on your small dog’s clothing and you’re looking around for wholesale chihuahua clothes, for example, I’d recommend you check out either the Lovelonglong dog clothes store or the DogDug dog clothing store.

Both of these stores give you insanely low wholesale prices on their dog clothing if you buy within certain parameters and your shipment meets their conditions, and you can score some absolutely insane deals on cheap dog clothing. If you’re dead set on dressing up your pooch into that fashionable dog you’ve always wanted in your need to find your dog clothes wholesale priced before you can consider buying them, those two stores will be your best bet, if you ask me.

I wish I could say we have the lowest priced awesome chihuahua fashion here at our Shop, but right now, I have more of a boutique chihuahua fashion focus for the store and I’m working on finding the best, highest quality chihuahua outfits for the store right now, and the wholesale price option just isn’t possible for us right now. But again, Lovelonglong Dog Clothing is awesome in my experience, and while I haven’t tried them out personally, I have heard some good things about the DogDug, so you might want to check them out.

At the Chihuahua Shop, we do have some discount dog dresses and chihuahua clothes on sale now for the season, and they’re a steal for what you’re getting quality-wise. Clothes for dogs that are cheap are not always easy to find in any vaguely appealing form, but they are out there and you can find them if you look hard enough or you follow my advice, above. I really hope that helps, I hope you find what you’re looking for either at Chihuahua Shop or the other places mentioned here, and good luck in your search! -Mikey

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Dog Wedding Outfits, For The Betrothed Chihuahua (or Chihuahua Owner!)

I’ve been looking over different dog wedding outfits online, checking out the dog fashion packages that have a bride wedding dress with veil and an accompanying pet tux for the male dog, and I don’t quite know what to think of these 🙂 I mean, we carry dog wedding veils and other chihuahua clothes like this at the Chihuahua Shop here, and I know they make your little dog into what could only be described as the most fashiontastic, dressed to the K-9s, explosively adorable dog-lover-magnet on the planet; but what are we doing with little dogs these days?!? Are we… marrying them?

Apparently so.

The Dog Wedding

I have a neighbor; we’ll call her Martha. Martha has two chihuahuas, and a little while ago, after collecting chihuahua bridesmaid dresses and chihuahua party dresses for her two chihuahuas’ little doggie friends, she decided it was time her two chiwawas got married in her little dessert garden of cacti and blue agave plants (and yes, she actually served tequila at the wedding to those in attendance–not the dogs) 🙂

She still sends me photos of that special day with all the dogs wearing these tiny little wedding costumes for dogs, and even her house tabby that gets along great with all the small dogs that frequent her humble abode. Did I mention this town is a bit of a pet owner freakshow?! Haha, well it is–it’s great!

So anyway, I have all of these memories of the dog tuxedos and the little chihuahua pets wearing their little dog bow ties and their special order “big day tuxedo with bow tie collar” outfits. Some of the chihuahuas look rather dashing in their dog wedding dresses and their doggy hair bows, and others just look downright hilariously and fantastically dorky. Just thinking about it brings me to the verge of laughter every time.

So I’ve been wanting to bring a wedding line to the Chihuahua Shop for some time now. I have the two quality bride and groom dresses pictured above in the store right now, and they are the best of their kind, but I’m also looking into some small dog ring bearer outfits to go with them or if you know two dog-lovers who are betrothed and soon to be hitched and would like their to have their pet be a little dog ring bearer.

I’m also wanting to bring some other dog wedding accessories like dog neckties and little hair pins and hair bows for dogs like a Maltese or a long haired chihuahua or yorkie, who’d look totally cute walking the isle with these to match their little dog wedding outfits. So check the Chihuahua Shop if you’re looking for the best bride and groom outfits for your little dogs, and check back soon because I’m hoping we can bring in some more of these adorable dog wedding accessories very soon! -Mikey

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Small Dog Apparel, And The Jovial, Round, Pink Grocery Woman

Small dog apparel: it lets you dress up your dog in cute designer dog clothes, it’s fun, it helps your chihuahua stay warm on cool nights by wrapping her in a layer of chihuahua clothes, and it makes stalkers out of perfect strangers at the grocery store.

Let me explain.

As a pet fashion enthusiast, I collect a lot of pet apparel for my little chihuahuas. Sometimes it’s a cute dog fashion coat from the Chihuahua Shop here; other times, it’s something from the luxury dog clothes for small dogs line of another online boutique. But either way, when my chihuahuas leave the house, they are well dressed!!

Well when I leave the house with my dogs, they’re usually dressed up in some of their best dog clothing. And, as it happens, when I go grocery shopping, I like to sneak my chihuahua Namaste into the store with me, to do a little spontaneous and covert K-9 grocery shopping! I usually slip her into my backpack after we step out of the car and we’re walking through the parking lot to get to the store, walk in, and then place her in that little top shelf of the buggy cart, on top of the backpack and using it as a pillow while I wheel her around and do my thing, usually without any store employees noticing (important).

So yesterday, we’re walking through the parking lot, she has her adorable chihuahua clothes on, and as I pick her up to put her in the backpack so I can sneak her in past through the door guard person here at the local “Mega” here in Puerto Vallarta, down here in Mexico, this rather large woman in pink sweat pants and a huge leopard-print visor comes charging from around this parked minivan and starts gushing about how cute Namaste is and how she has small dogs of her own, and how she loves to dress them up in yorkie clothes, and this and that and the entire kitchen sink of a conversation! I couldn’t get a word in as she walked beside me and I stuck Namaste into my backpack.

“Are you going to sneak her in?!” she announced to the entire neighborhood in her screechy voice. “I hope so,” I smiled back, now nearing the door and about to walk through. She had this look of excitement like she was going to explode or something: what is it about the mixture of chihuahuas and pet clothes that makes people loose it like this? I could see if she had never seen puppy clothes on a little dog before, but this is a person who lives with yorkies, who dresses them up in their dog coats and dog sweaters frequently, I presume. So what’s the deal with her squeal? Lol, I have to have fun with it: I’m only joking because this woman was super over the top with her adoration for Namaste and the small dog apparel she was wearing.

Anyways, I get into the store and I’m shopping around, the woman has left do to her shopping, and the usual mixture of kids and assorted other shoppers are noticing and coming up to pet the fashionable and increasingly famous chihuahua, Namaste. I’m walking through the pet supplies isle, looking to see what they have in the way of small dog collars and if they have any pet couture collars like the last grocery store I visited did (I couldn’t believe it!), when the woman sees me again and start billowing out about how cute she looks atop my grocery cart. This is not good. Now everybody is looking and staring, including the store staff.

I quicken my pace and give this jovial woman another quick smile and a knod, trying to break away, but she seems to keep following me around the store from isle to isle! She goes on and on, talking about the beds for smaller dogs and the pet furniture she found at the dog store the other day, and how she likes to use small dog harnesses on her yorkies instead of a leash. She starts talking about her shopper’s appetite for petite dog clothes–something I can relate to–so I stop my shopping for a minute to talk with her about chihuahua clothes and the Chihuahua Shop I run here, and as it turns out, she’s actually a cool person who takes good care of her dogs.

Unfortunately, it’s at this point when I spot the grocery store floor manager over the shoulder of my new, round, pink, small dog fashion enthusiast friend, and he’s walking toward us, and he doesn’t look very happy. It turns out that bringing your little dog into the store, even when she stays inside the little seat in the push cart and no matter how cute she looks in clothes for little dogs, is in violation of store policy, and I would have to take her out. And so I did …after a series of zig-zags through a few isles and a quick stop through the checkout line 😉

Perhaps that’s one of the better parts of shopping for small dog apparel online: you don’t have to deal with “store policy” like this and you can have your chihuahua right there with you, browsing through the small dog clothing to your heart’s content. If you’re looking for clothes for your small dog, check them out at the Chihuahua Store, and I’ll speak to you again really soon, probably with another weird story involving sneaking my chihuahuas into places where you’re not supposed to have them! -Mikey

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Pug Clothing: Possibly The Most Adorable Dog Clothing There Is!

Pug clothing has got to be one of the cutest inventions I have ever seen. Anybody with eyes who has ever owned a pug knows what I mean when I say that these little smushed-in face, wrinkly, burly cuddle-beasts are freaking adorable already, without the aid of any clothes for pugs. But you combine the two, and you’re off to the races with one of the cutest K-9 fashion combos I think you’ll ever see.

They are so cute, in fact, that I’ve been adding pug clothes to the Chihuahua Shop for a while now. Initially, the store began as a hobby project of mine to bring the best dog fashion to small dogs and their owners, but the clothing manufacturers actually make most of their dog clothes in bigger sizes too, for dogs like pitbulls, rotweilers, and yes: pugs too! So I continue to brand the store as the “Chihuahua Shop”, but we actually carry clothing for all sizes of dogs, and some of my pug-owing friends have been commenting on how much they love their new pug fashion from the store, which is pretty cool!

One of my Pug owner neighbords picked up a few pug T-shirts and a stylish pug jacket for her darling “Puggly Poo”, haha! (I can’t help but bust up laughing whenever I hear here squeeling with delight over “sir Puggly Poo’s fashion feast”–her way of describing her pug’s wardrobe.) I have a few friends here in this chihuahua clothes Mecca that is the Mexican town of Sayulita (where they filmed part of the movie “Beverly Hills Chihuahua”) who can’t get over who cute this dog looks in his new little pug biker jacket! I’ve been wanting to bring a biker line of clothing to the chihuahua store for a while now, and it’s exciting to see so many owners who ride and who are passionate about their pugs and the clothes they wear. It’s so freaking exciting to be a part of this community!

Of course, I’ve been seeing a lot of pet carriers and other pug merchandise go at the store, shipping out to mostly Americans and Brits who want to gear up for their summer getways with their adorable doggies. Of all the customers who come through the Chihuahua Shop, pug owners are some of the nicest folks: they email you pictures later on of their little dogs wearing their little pug brand clothes and other pet clothing favorites. Like I said, dog clothes seldom have a more insanely adorable K-9 companion than when they’re paired with a pug, and I don’t think it’s hard to see why:

If you’re looking for pug clothes, just head over to the store here and browse until your heart is content 🙂 I know the store is labelled as a chihuahua shop, but that’s just my marketing slant, and we actually carry clothes for bigger dogs too, and we have some great pug clothing right now there, so go check it out now, and I’ll be back again soon with some more pugtacular fashion scoops!

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Maltese Clothes For The Fashionable White Fluffy Dog

If you’re the proud owner of a small dog like a Maltese, sooner or later you’re going to be an owner of small dog clothing. Of course, it’s always better if you can buy clothing for your specific breed of dog, so if you have a Maltese, you’re going to pick out Maltese clothes, if you have chihuahua, you’ll pick up chihuahua clothing, and so on!

Little fluffy white Maltese dogs look particularly adorable in their little sweaters and shirts, and of course, if you’re giving your Maltese a summer cut, and you’re inside in an air conditioned room, these little dogs can get pretty cold after a while of just hanging out and chillin’. So you’re going to want to make sure you pick up some small dog clothes for your Maltese, like these adorable ones show us here:

I know that some people think that it’s weird to dress up your dog in clothing. They remark that it’s “wrong” and it’s borderline animal abuse, but the fact is that these clothes help your little dog stay more comfortable, they dress up your dog, and yes, they do make your dog even more cute. Don’t get me wrong: I actually think it is kind of weird. I wasn’t a huge fan of chihuahua clothes or anything like it just a few years ago, but after a little time of owning a small dog, I definitely came around and now I love it. And so do my dogs: my chihuahuas and my other little foster dogs actually come running over to me when I pick up their chihuahua clothes so I can put it on them! And as I said, they seem to really like it, provided it’s comfortable and not itchy or bothering them because it’s too tight for their body 😉

And there’s nothing to say there’s anything wrong with having your dog look even more cute, I mean I know that small Maltese dogs are already pretty darn adorable, but when you dress them up in clothing, it just takes that natural cuteness and amps it up and multiplies it by about a factor of ten. It’s a little hard to imagine Maltese dogs getting any cuter than they already are with their little furry faces and that white fluff, but believe me: when you have Maltese clothing on them, the sky is the limit for what you can do with them fashion-wise with bows and ties and that whole thing!

And it’s a whole lot of fun, especially with kids (and…err… the young at heart!) who like to make-believe and role play. These little clothes allows them to get into the character, into the role and really imagine and fantasize story lines even better, letting them play in the land of fantasy, which is a lot of fun!

And of course if you have other dog owner friends, nothing will bond you faster to someone else who is into dog clothing than dressing your own Maltese in her Maltese clothes; it’s an endless conversation piece–almost to an insane degree!

But yeah, a couple of years ago, I started dressing up my Maltese rescue that I was fostering in little doggy clothing, and it was actually really useful: we had a couple of people looking for a dog to adopt, and they came, then went, and then they didn’t come back. Well we started dressing our little Maltese in clothing, we took new pictures of her and posted them up on Dogster, and almost immediately she had a lot of emails coming in and was adopted within a week through a great rescue group! It was pretty magical …it seems that with dogs, people fall in love through their eyes, and then that’s pretty much what seals the deal! Some would say that’s a sad fact, but it is what it is, so I say we use that to these little guys’ advantage 🙂

So anyway, this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to Maltese clothes. We carry some clothing for this adorable breed at our little dog clothing store HERE, so check it out, and I’ll talk to you again soon. Cheers! -Mikey

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