Chihuahua Coats, From The Perspective Of A Little Dog!

Hi there! It’s Namaste again and I have a little window of time to mash up another quick commentary here while my owner is out, this time on the warm, snuggly issue of chihuahua coats! I’ve noticed that when it comes to chihuahua clothes, there are a lot of different styles and types of outfits that you can get for us to keep us little dogs warmer: you’ve got the shirts that add a little fashion flair to your dog, you’ve got the dresses and the costumes that dress them us and make us into a certain character that can look ridiculously cute and adorable, and then you’ve also got one of our favorites: chihuahua coats, which primarily aim to keep us little doggies warmer!

As a little dog, life can be a bit rough at times: we have much, much higher metabolism that helps us cool off in the intense heat of our native home of Mexico, but when your owner lives in a cooler country and you don’t live in a hot place like Mexico all year-round, things can really get kind of cold for us, because we cool off rapidly fast with this high metabolism, and that’s already adding to the fact that we have a short coat of hair! So it’s kind of crazy. We can go in the heat and be fine, but then we come in and within a couple minutes of coming in, we’re shivering like nuts! So chihuahua clothes are definitely appreciated, and especially if you’re living in a colder climate, oh my god–they’re a MUST for us, otherwise we’ll often be shaking in misery and it is just not fun… it’s really uncomfortable. So chihuahua coats definitely keep us warmer and a lot more comfortable!

When it comes to the different styles of chihuahua clothes, you’ve got fashionable ones that are flashy and kind of hip and trendy, you’ve got the traditional parka, there’s the fleece chihuahua coat, and there’s the big poofy vest chihuahua coats–very popular right now amongst my cool chihuahua friends!

Even sometimes in the summer, when spending a lot of time indoors at the office with my owners while they’re working away and they’ve got the air conditioning blasting for themselves and the other coworkers, down on the floor (ie: where all the cold air is) it can get really cold after a little while, especially when you’re not even a foot tall! So having a chihuahua coat on is by far the more comfortable option in this scenario, and I really like it 🙂

Chihuahua coats: where to find them:

Of all the places we’ve seen so far, we really like the Chihuahua Clothes Shop for finding new coats for chihuahuas. They’ve got a great selection of these chihuahua coats that you can check out there. I would heartily recommend it. It’s great because it lets you get your fashion freak-out on with your little dog and lets you take your little dog’s cuteness and amp it up even more and it’s like putting our cuteness on steroids! We little dogs are cute, but when you wrap us up in a little coats, it’s like a brain-fry adorableness overload with how cuddly and cute and sweet we look! So if you want to make your us really cute like this, go check out these coats for chihuahuas, and I’ll be back again soon the next time my owner heads out and I get a chance! Ok bye, chihuahua coat seekers!! -Namaste the (warm) Chihuahua

visit the chihuahua clothes shop

Dog Jumpers for Chihuahuas, and The Crazy Dog Lady

I had to laugh today because I saw some of the new dog jumpers in the UK and dog sweaters at the Chihuahua Store, and it made me think of this crazy dog lady I’ve been seeing on my walks with my two chihuahuas, lately. This woman is perhaps a little off-kilter, but she sure does have a flair for her sense of chihuahua clothes fashion! She’s from the UK and has these five dogs, each a different breed: a husky, a puli, a German shepherd, a yorkie, and a chihuahua; and here’s the kicker: every single time I see them, these dogs are all wearing these CRAZY psychedelic colored dog hoodies that look like they’ve been warped through time from the 60’s! It’s insane. What’s more: every time I see them, they’re running really fast, like almost sprinting! Many people walk their dogs, some people run with them, but this chick freaking BLASTS by with her dogs. It’s like watching some kind of super hero team bolt by on a fashion mission in their little doggy jumpers. I seriously have to fight to not let out this silly giggle every time I witness this bizarre episode!

Personally, I think it’s great what she’s doing. I mean, running with your dog is such a great way to get exercise, to bond with your pet, and to give your dog what is usually some much-needed exercise–it’s such a great opportunity. But this crazy dog woman takes it up a notch, not only with the Olympic athlete speed with which she and her little pack of dogs sprint by me, but they’re all wearing these cool little dog jumpers! I love the hoody! And when you adapt it for physical activity and make them comfortable for your little dog to wear in the case of the chihuahua jumpers, you end up with functional exercise fashion for your dog that’s freaking cool.

Especially for the small dogs, the little chihuahua dog hoodie is invaluable in keeping them cozy and warm and comfortable on a cool day, and I don’t know about you, but dog clothing like small dog sweatshirts have always been not just one of the ways I pamper my dog, but one of the main ways I take care of my apple head chihuahuas and keep them comfy. I know that eccentric, crazy chihuahua clothes are often what people think of when they form a picture of dog clothing in their mind, but those costume outfits and dresses and costumes are but a fraction of this little clothing world for dogs in comparision to the practical apparel of the chihuahua dog sweater and the little dog hoodie. Chihuahua clothes are practical and functional, in addition to being fashionably freaky at times, is what I’m saying.

This crazy lady with the five dogs has her pooches wearing these different jumpers: the yorkie has a wool jumper, the chihuahua wears a little knitted dog jumper that was a birthday present from the owner, and the other three have this customized sporty jogging suit that has a fluorescent flashy, reflective strip on it.

It’s a bit of a freakshow, this bullet-speed pack of dogs and their owner, and I definitely get a kick out of watching their insanely out-of-context exercise regimen go down every day: I think the lesson here is that when in doubt, mix chihuahua clothing with cute dogs and then sprint full blast around the marina with the other little dogs and their owners casually walking around, slowly! Try that out and see the reactions you get, lol!

Anyway, enough about the crazy dog girl. The chihuahua clothes shop has some very high quality chihuahua sweaters and dog jumpers that you can check out at the Chihuahua Clothes shop, and I highly recommend you do because I have seen them and they’re great at keeping your dog more comfortable in cooler places without making it harder for them to walk around. So check them out, see for yourself, and I’ll back here again soon!

visit the chihuahua clothes shop

The Chihuahua Shop: How It Started, and Why

I want to give you a short, nutshell version of the story of why I started the Chihuahua Shop with all the small dog clothing it has today. So here it is, in all it’s full love-hate glory, and it really all begins with me moving in with a girlfriend years ago and, in doing so, becoming a “joint owner” and foster of two little chihuahuas.

Fast forward to today, when I’ve now owned chihuahuas for a number of years and have some experience taking care of these little cutie pies. I’ve always been one to pamper my pooches and I love buying chihuahua clothes for my dogs, but a little while ago, I got super fed up with the deceptive marketing of the different dog clothing stores out there that are selling clothes for chihuahuas, and I finally decided to do something about it.

the chihuahua clothing shop
I got tired of looking at the pictures in the online dog clothing boutiques, getting excited, buying the dog clothes I wanted, and then having them show up late, and the chihuahua clothes being entirely something other than what I expected them to be, and the shirts and sweaters and a lot of the advertised pet costumes being far lower quality than what was advertised. In short, I got tired of being disappointed with small dog vendors online. So I decided to start my own chihuahua store and focus in on just clothing for chihuahuas and similarly small breeds and create a store that sells the kind of small dog clothing that I would want to buy. And I wanted there to be a store selling these clothes that actually has good customer service, that gets back to you promptly when you have a question and that delivers their clothes to you–the customer–on time, every time, and puts you first. Is that too much to ask for these days?! I don’t think it is, and so that’s really why I started my online chihuahua clothes shop.

Now, is the chihuahua shop for everyone? No, it isn’t. Some people like different kinds of clothing for their dogs, like the ultra luxury (and insanely priced) clothing for their little dogs that cost up into the thousands of dollars range, and that’s really not the focus of my store. Personally, I’m into chihuahua outfits that fit well, that are made from high quality materials, and that actually look like the pictures on store’s site, and that don’t leave you broke and selling your clothes off your own back just so you can clothe your little chi (wouldn’t that be a sweet story, though 🙂 )

At my chihuahua store, I try to not just include the standard variety of dog sweaters and shirts and coats that you’ll find in most chihuahua boutiques, but also some very high quality chihuahua accessories like gorgeous Swarovski crystal-studded dog necklaces and other similarly fine dog jewelry. I’m very much into dog bling, so I do my best to find the latest and greatest brand of customizable puppy collars (pictured left) that you can order with your own little dog’s name on in rhinestones and jewels, in your color of choice, so you can beautify and pamper your chiwawa in the luxurious lifestyle she deserves! The aim of all this, of course, is to make your little chihuahua the talk of the town with her unique and exquisite small dog jewelry that will rival most people’s, frankly 🙂

But of course, you can’t really have a chihuahua clothes shop without also including the clothes! So I’m constantly working away to find the best dog jumpers for little doggies and little matching hats for dogs to go with them, so you can give your pooch a complete mini-makeover and really indulge.

And for when the rainy season hits or you’re living in a cooler part of the planet right now, we’re also looking out for you there too, and we have the latest dog raincoats and other types of coats for dogs on our shelves, for helping your dog stay warm on those walks when the weather isn’t on its best behavior, along with a very stylish and practical selection of small dog clothing for both boy and girl chihuahua dogs!

It’s actually kind of insane how many quality small dog products and how much quality small dog apparel is at the Chihuahua Shop right now. I’m working tirelessly to find the best chihuahua accessories on the market right now, like the latest in dog fashionista dog carriers, for example. And I only say it’s insane because of how much stuff for long hair and apple head and deer head chihuahuas (and really: all the other small breeds that are super small like these guys) that I see in the store right now: I’m only interested in stocking super high quality stuff and if it isn’t good, I’m not putting it out there, the way that some chihuahua stores do. It’s wild how much quality effort has been put into make these little dogs cute and adorable and comfortable. These little chihuahuas have got it made–I’m telling you!

Chihuahua Shop: find it here…

Anyways, that’s the scoop on the Chihuahua Shop store, why I started it, and the little accessories and clothing for small dogs we’re carrying right now. I’m very happy with how it’s turning out, and I think that if you have a small dog like a chihuahua or a maltese or a yorkie, you’ll love the chihuahua shop. So head on over, check it out, and I’ll definitely be back here again soon. -Mikey

Chihuahua Harnesses for Walking Your Small Dog

I want to talk a bit about chihuahua harnesses now because they’re freaking cool and we just got a few new styles of them in at the chihuahua shop! I wanted to start this by pointing out the obvious: that there are about as many ways of walking your dog as there are dogs, but in terms of the tools, typically you’ll see the main three: some people walk their dog with the leash, some walk their dogs off-leash, and other people walk their little dog using a harness. Dog owners using the harness typically do so because they don’t like the thought of hurting their dog’s neck when they’re on the walk. We don’t like the image of our small dog straining her neck with a collar and a leash attached to her tiny neck, and we don’t want to hurt our little precious chihuahua’s neck. So for those of us so inclined, the chihuahua shop has got these new and super adorable harnesses for little dogs, ranging from the customizable chihuahua harness T-shirts (pictured just up on the left, here), to Chole’s Bevery Hills Chihuahua dress set that comes with an integrated harness right in the dress (pictured right below, on the right), to the stylish new chihuahua vest-harnesses (pictured at the bottom of this post!)

So there are a lot of different styles of these harnesses. You can buy the standalone ones that you hook up and clip onto your dog before the walk that you’ll commonly see on bigger dogs, or you can find the chihuahua clothing-integrated harnesses that have the harness built right into the chihuahua clothes like Chloe’s dress here on the right side, so you don’t have to go and find the harness every time you want to walk your dog: it’s always right there in the clothing, which is very handy!

Now traditionally, a harness is used on a dog for tracking purposes. Trainers won’t usually use a harness just for walking a dog because the harness very often creates a pulling reaction in the dog, for when you want the dog to lead and pull you, so it’s used a lot in search and rescue contexts. But people who own smaller dogs may have a claim when some of them say something along the lines of “hey, I like to a harness on my little dog, first of all because she is so small and if something happens on the walk, like she gets freaked out and yanks the other way on the leash, or I turn and we get tangled up or something, and there’s a jerk on the leash, I don’t want to hurt my little dog’s neck; I don’t want to ring her neck with the leash and hurt her! So just to be safe, I like to use the harness when walking her because it makes me feel better, like I’m not in danger of hurting her, and that lets me enjoy the walk more.”

And I can totally relate. As little dog owners, we like to pamper our pets often and take as good care of them as we can, and so I do understand the concern here. So for those of us who like using the harness when walking our little dog (our little dogs, should we be so lucky!), we carry a few different types of these quality harnesses, like the customizable T-shirt harness, the chihuahua dress harness, and even the new fashionable chihuahua harness vests (pictured left.) You can visit the chihuahua store to check them out by clicking the banner below, and I hope to see you in there! They’re very stylish and cool, many even come with a matching leash, and so head on over there, check them out, and I’ll speak to you again very, very soon!

browse the chihuahua clothing store

A Sneak Peek at Our New Chihuahua Accessories!

Hey again, it’s Mikey, and I want to chat quickly here about some of the super cool chihuahua accessories I’ve seen showing up at the chihuahua clothes store recently! Normally when you think of dog accessories, you think of toys and leads and balls your little dog can play with and things of that nature–at least I do anyway… But little did I know how incredibly small my imagination has been: I’ve been sneaking into the storage room and having a peek at some of the new additions we’ve been making to the chihuahua store, and I am BLOWN AWAY at the level of decadence pet owners are taking the whole notion of chihuahua clothes to, today!

The first thing that hits me with all the different accessories for chihuahuas my eyes have seen tonight is the chihuahua jewelery: not only do we stock custom chihuahua collars that you can brand with your own small dog’s name in stones and do in your favorite color, there’s also things like the collar charms (pictured above) that you attach to your chihuahua’s collar to amp up the bling factor. I couldn’t believe it!–they’re so damn cool!

And there’s also these little chihuahua necklaces specifically made for small dogs, that have all of these embedded Swarovski crystals and looks nicer than most human jewelery I’ve seen! This is truly for the dog who loves drawing attention and walking in the K9 spotlight–without a freaking doubt! There’s also these adorable hair pins for little dogs that have longer hair, like a long haired chihuahua or a maltese, which are also super bling-tacular!

Of course, I’m seeing some great updates being made to the standard leads and leashes designs, with some beautiful new models of those basic accessories for chihuahuas, and a also some great little harnesses for chiwawa owners who don’t like walking their little dog with a leash around their neck (personally, I don’t have a problem with it, but I know a lot of people do not like the idea of it, and so I’m trying to bring in some more little dog harnesses for chihuahuas and these other toy breeds with more delicate, petite builds!

Of course, for the top and bottom (not that bottom!) of your precious and surely soon-to-be-famous chihuahua, we have little doggy hats and chihuahua pet socks, which you can check out on the left there! The hats make a perfect addition to any cutie pie dog outfits you have for your chi, that you want to complete and really take the look over the edge of cuteness, haha. And the little pet socks are adorable and great so freaking cute on little dogs! I’ve been making my little chihuahua–Namaste–wear them on the beach down here in the summer to keep her poor little paws protected from the burning hot sand on her afternoon walk, and she definitely seems to enjoy her beach walks more now and actually enjoys the scenery a bit instead of lifting her little feet up and down again like the little Mexican jumping bean she can be!

And lastly, I’m really liking what I’m seeing right now in the way of the chihuahua pet carriers we’re stocking right now. This one here is such a gorgeous bag: the London classic candy striped carrier for little dogs–it’s just so damn chic! You can check it and the other amazing designs we have for soft dog crates here, and I wholeheartedly recommend you do because I have not see carriers for chihuahuas like this EVER! They’re freaking beautiful, these bags, I’m telling you. Anyway, gotta run right now and get back to work, but I hope you’ve enjoyed this little sneak peak at the chihuahua accessories that will be available on the Chihuahua Clothes Shop any moment now, and I’ll speak to you again real soon here on the blog! Ciao, -Mikey

visit the chihuahua clothes shop