If you’re a chihuahua owner or you have another breed of small dog, you’ve probably noticed the little socks for dogs at the various chihuahua shops online–especially if you like dressing your chihuahuas in clothes. I’ve been seeing these chihuahua socks everywhere lately, with the online pet shops selling socks for small dogs and this whole array of chihuahua dog footwear. It seemed a little crazy to me at first, but thinking about it changed my mind, and I decided to see if we could find some quality ones for the Chihuahua Clothes Shop, and we now have some pretty freaking cool little chihuahua socks for dogs you can check out at the Shop.
Like I said, I thought it was a bit ridiculous at first: “socks for chihuahua doggies? What the heck? Why?” But thinking back about all the times my chihuahuas has gotten something stuck in their paw pads and been licking away at their paws to heal a small wound or a scratch to the pad, after walking on the paved sidewalks for too long, or across the gravel roads with all those tiny little pebbles that get stuck in their little chihuahua paws, it became obvious: these little chihuahua dog socks I’m seeing everywhere in the boutiques today could actually be useful.
Even living here in this heavily chihuahua populated beach town on the Pacific coast, I like to get up early and walk my little dogs along the beach and enjoy the gorgeous morning view of the bay, but often at the end of the walk, when the sun is out in force and its rays are beating down on the sand, those little grains of sand can get scorching hot and it isn’t too comfortable to walk on bare foot, like my dogs do.
Luckily for us, the water is right there, so we can just walk through the shallow surf for a minute to cool our feet off, but with a pair of chihuahua puppy socks, this wouldn’t even be necessary: to clothe chihuahuas in their socks would eliminate the need to do this and would keep their little paws protected from the extreme heat, and I’m sure they’d like that!
I’ve even run into yorkies wearing socks on their walks with their owners, recently. Talking to their owners, they use this little dog socks to to keep their pet’s paws clean, so they don’t have to wash them extensively after each excursion into the jungle here in our back yard. Especially when you live in a rainforest jungle and it’s the rainy season and it rains almost every single day for hours, things can get rather muddy around here, and it can really be a pain in the ass to have constantly wash your dogs feet after every walk so you don’t end up with little black and brown paw marks all over your floor and your sofa and on the bed! So I can totally see using chihuahua socks on my little dogs along with their chihuahua clothes.
And having lived in Canada with my chihuahuas, I’ve noticed that most of the pets like the chihuahua rescue dogs we’ve brought up from Mexico do well in the cold, with the exception of their feet: they start walking on the ice and
through the snow and their reaction is like “aaa-ughh. No way; this is too freaking cold! ouch!” and it takes them months to adapt with the chihuahua booties and the little dog socks that you have to use in order to get them used to the cooler weather. Over time, their bodies adapt and you’ll see their paws grow this hair in between each pad to keep their feet warm and keep the snow from getting in between each of their paw pads. But in the beginning, the chihuahuas definitely were in need of their warm chihuahua socks!
So at the Chihuahua Shop, we now have some very cute socks for dogs, like the tiny chihuahua dog socks you’ll find here, and the other adorable doggy socks for chihuahuas, each pair with their own design patter that makes them unique!
So now, in addition to the quality chihuahua clothes you can find at the Chihuahua Shop, you have an entire selection of protective socks for dogs that have anti-slip grip pads on the bottom and that are thick enough to protect and fashionable enough to be your chihuahua’s pair of stylish socks for dogs that all the other little dog owners will be squealing over with delight the next time they see the two of you on your walk! So go check them out at the store right now, and I’ll be back later with the latest news from the ever changing world of chihuahua clothes and socks for dogs!