Puppy Boutique Shop

I’ve been to a lot of puppy boutique shops lately that sell puppy clothes and puppy supplies, but don’t really have a strong focus on any kind of puppy accessories in particular. There are chihuahua puppy boutique stores that sell chihuahua clothes and these other shops that bill themselves as puppy dog boutiques that carry costumes of many different kinds: some cheap, some that are quality, but I have yet to see a puppy store other than the Chihuahua Shop that really hones in on any particular type of puppy clothing.

When I set up the Chihuahua Shop puppy boutique, I knew I wanted it to focus on quality chihuahua clothes for puppies and toy breed dogs. I wanted a puppy boutique where you could come and find fabulous puppy clothing and puppy collars and puppy accessories, to dress up your puppy and make her look like the latest canine fashion diva dog. I wanted to create a store that I would want to come to, were I looking for a great chihuahua puppy boutique to shop.

And so that’s what I did: I found the best chihuahua clothing I could, that wasn’t exorbitantly priced, and brought it to the new puppies boutique that we now call the Chihuahua Shop puppy store. Today, this little puppy boutique carries the newest puppy collars and puppy accessories and clothing you’ll find anywhere, no matter what puppy shop or puppy boutique you walk into, in the real world, or that you shop at online.

The other chihuahua puppy boutiques I see online seem to have lost their focus: in the same puppy boutique, I have seen individual chihuahua clothes being marketed as perfect for dog agility training, for fashionable doggy cocktail parties (lol), and for keeping your dogs warm. There’s no focus.

How The Top Puppy Boutique Shops Are Different

The best puppy boutiques only stock high quality puppy accessories and puppy outfits, and these best outfits only serve one purpose, typically. Some of the puppy boutique clothes will be designed specifically for keeping your little Fido warm, and other chihuahua boutique clothing will be created for the purpose of adorning your dog in a fashion fit for a fairy tale princess or the latest fashionista super diva dog, who’s ready to strut her paws on the runway and walk like an Egyptian!

Puppy Boutique Clothes: Where Do You Find Them?

You can find these two different types of puppy clothes at the Chihuahua Shop. What you won’t find at this puppy boutique are clothes that have an identity crisis, that promise to help your dog train better for agility or in obedience classes while also making her look gorgeous and fabulous and adorable at the same time. The chihuahua puppy clothes sold at the Chihuahua Shop puppy boutique are much more focused and specific than that, I think you’ll like them, so visit the shop and see for yourself at the link, below.

visit the chihuahua clothes shop

Pet Clothes for Dogs

Taking inventory of our pet clothes for dogs at the Chihuahua Shop yesterday, I couldn’t help but have a smile on my face! This chihuahua dog pet clothing is so freaking cute, I could almost explode! I usually get pretty excited when I’m shopping for chihuahua clothes and pet clothes for dogs that are a little bigger, but it’s always so fun checking out the Shop because their dog pet clothing is second to none.

As the owner of a shop that sells small pet clothes for dogs, I have to keep up on the latest trends. But not just because I have to keep the Chihuahua Shop updated: my neighbors in the little beach town I live in are chihuahua obsessed and they have more pet dog clothing and little chihuahua pet clothes for their tiny dogs than you can shake a bone at. I’m telling you: if you combined all of the pet clothes for dogs in this chihuahua town, you’d literally have a small mountain of chihuahua clothes on your hands!

Maybe it’s because Sayulita was the town featured in the first Mexican scene of Beverly Hilly Chihuahua, that cute dog movie with all the dogs wearing pet clothes for dogs, and then neighboring Puerto Vallarta was featured for even more time, later on in the film. But wherever the pet dog clothes craze comes from in this town, I am constantly surrounded by little dogs wearing these cute pet chihuahua clothes, and they almost can’t be ignored! If you like watching little dogs prance around in pet clothes for dogs, then not only would you enjoy going on a shopping spree for pet clothes for small dogs, you’d most likely enjoy coming down to this funky, bohemian surf town and just watching all the chihuahuas prance around the town plaza in their pet clothes for chihuahuas with their loving owners!

Pet Clothes for Dogs: The Current Trend

I’ve spent a lot of time observing the pet clothing for dogs on this part of the planet, and what I’ve been seeing over the past year is that dog owners are tending to buy the more stylish, fashionable pet clothes for dogs, right now. In the past, the pet clothing for little dogs that sold hand over fist every time were the practical outfits: the coats, the chihuahua sweaters, the pet clothing for chihuahua dogs that were designed to keep your little pets warm.

What what I’m seeing today is a reversal in that trend: pet owners are buying more of the stylish pet clothes for dogs than the warm ones. People want to make their doggies into fashion divas and pop culture, trendy fashionista chihuahuas that grab people’s attention. And from what I see, the entire pet industry of chihuahua clothes for dogs is not only moving more in this direction, now, it’s accelerating in that direction, toward the chihuahua dresses and the chihuahua pet fashion costumes, and all these flashy pet clothes for dogs that make your dog look adorably cool and trendy.

Now, the standard dog clothes and those funny pet clothes for dogs that make you pup look like a bumble bee or a lion are still out there, and they’ll be around for a long time to come. But I think the major innovations and the new creative focus of pet dog clothes designers is going to be on the funky fashion pet costumes for dogs, and that the latest and greatest pet fashion is going to be coming out of that end of the dog clothing spectrum.

Where Do You Find These Pet Clothes For Dogs?

You can find these new chihuahua clothes and these more stylish pet clothes for dogs at the Chihuahua Shop, along with the warm, functional dog clothing as well, if shopping for cooler weather dog clothing. So go check out the store now, I’ll talk to you again soon, and good luck in your search! -Mikey

browse the chihuahua clothing store

Fleece Dog Jackets for Small Dogs

I’ve been looking at different fleece dog jackets to bring to the Chihuahua Shop for the upcoming cool months we have ahead. Right now, we have the best fleece-lined dog hoodies and sweatshirts (pictured left) that I’ve ever seen for chihuahuas, small dogs, and even bigger dogs, that you can even customize with a message of your own. I also stock some of the most fashionable fleece-lined dog parkas I have yet to come across. But then again, I’m always on the lookout for the latest and greatest chihuahua clothes and dog coats to bring to the Shop, and I make my own two chihuahuas wear their little chihuahua fleece dog jackets, so that’s not exactly a surprise!

My dad, of all people, recently bought these fleece dog jackets for his two bigger dogs, a pit bull mix and a golden retriever. They’re those equafleece for dogs jackets, and they look pretty cool. One of them is this neon yellow dog jumper and the other is this bright pink! I told him to buy a chihuahua dog fleece just like it for the Chihuahua Shop’s model, Namaste, so she can stay warm the next time she visits Canada when papa is visiting friends overseas in the UK and elsewhere in Europe!

Fashionable Fleece Dog Jackets?

But I’ve been looking at the fleece dog jackets and the designer fleece dog coats at the other shops online and there’s nothing new that I haven’t seen that’s really inspiring me right now. Not that small dog coats for winter, or even for bigger dogs for that matter, are that exciting: usually even the sweaters for small dogs have more fashion style and flair than the dog fleeces, but I was hoping to find at least one new fleece dog jacket that I thought was kinda cool and funky.

Outside of the fleece dog jackets we carry at the Chihuahua Shop, I’ve only seen one fido fleece dog coat that my friend owns that I really, really like. It has this creative, artistic fleece dog coat pattern on it that she actually knit herself into the fleece fabric of her chihuahua’s coat, and so I can’t exactly replicate it and start selling it for you at the store, so for now, the chihuahua clothes and the chihuahua fleece coats at the Shop are among the best fleece dog jackets and clothes you can find anywhere for chihuahuas, other little dogs, and depending on the model of the fleece: sometimes even for bigger dogs, too.

Where To Find Fleece Dog Jackets

A lot of chihuahua owners dress up their dogs in chihuahua clothes to keep their little doggies warm. Chihuahuas really do cool off quickly in the cold weather, and so if you haven’t seen the fleece dog jackets at the Chihuahua Shop yet, I encourage you to head over there and check them out. In fact, if you act fast, most of these dog fleeces are on sale right now, as part of our summer sale, so you can pick up some great fleece dog jackets for you chihuahuas right now at a discounted rate! Head over to the Shop, check them out, and I’ll speak to you again soon! -Mikey

visit the chihuahua clothes shop

Pink Dog Collars

It’s been a lot of fun watching the new pink dog collars arrive at the Chihuahua Shop. Not only for myself and for my chihuahua clothes loving little dogs, but for my gay friend who has a serious pink fetish, …or something like that. Everything my friend buys has to be pink. His puppies’ collars are pink puppy collars, and his chihuahua’s collar is a pink chihuahua collar. Like I said, if my friend has something, it’s pink.

My friends first dog collar was a pink camo dog collar. Apparently, my friend found his lust for pink at an early age, when all his brothers were into black and blue some of the darker, more masculine colors; my friend felt the need to rebel and be different and stand out by embracing that trend where every guy started wearing pink shirts and that whole craze. And so, of course, along with that came the pink dog clothes for his chihuahua, a pink spiked dog collar for his yorkie, and pink dog collars for all the other little dogs in his life, including a few foster chihuahua rescues!

The Pink Dog Collars Insanity Continues!

But it didn’t stop there. In addition to the pink rhinestone dog collar my friend bought for his girlfriend’s first chihuahua, he listened to Pink, the musician; he painted his nails pink; he chewed pink bubble gum; and he even died his hair pink, to go along with his pink clothes. It’s no wonder that his chihuahua at the time was sporting a pink studded dog collar!

So today when I visit my pink friend, I’m no longer phased when I step through the door into his living room and I spot pink dog collars on all of his pets, including his cats. I’m not surprised when I see girl dog collars on his male dog–I have to say: they wear the pink collars for dogs very well! I actually expect to see pink chihuahua accessories hanging off the pink doggie collars of all his pets, and save for one of the kitties, my pink expectations hit the mark!

I tell my friend about the pink designer dog collars and the new custom Diamante dog collars we’ve been getting in at the Chihuahua Shop, and he almost turns pink with happiness. Ok, well not really, but he won’t shut up about his pink dog collars collection after I get him started on those new Chihuahua Shop pink collars! It’s quite the thing with him.

I’ve met a few people before with a passion for the color pink, but my friend here tops them all. Pink chihuahua collars?–check. Pink chihuahua clothes on all his toy breed dogs?–check. Pink puppy collars on all his neighbors’ little dogs, courtesy of his generosity in gifting?–check. Pink dog collars of every shape and size and style imaginable?–you betcha. The dog world is colorless fashion landscape for my friend and his mission in life is to color it pink. If I so muchvisit the chihuahua clothes shop as mention that my chihuahua sometimes wears a new Wizard of Oz green dog collar, he flips and starts chewing on his pink finger nails and starts stammering on about how I need to buy a few pairs of jeweled pink dog collars, so I have spares in case I lose one, and so I can send a message to the world that “pink dog collars the alpha and the omega of puppy collars!” Did I mention my friend is gonzo-Hemingway-nuts for pink!?

Enough! Where Can I Find These Cool Pink Dog Collars?

Anyway, I’m getting exhausted and starting to see pink just thinking about all this. If you’re a fan of stylish dog collars and pink dog collars, then click over to the Chihuahua Shop online, here, and check them out. The Shop carries some of the best pink chihuahua clothes and pink dog collars to satisfy all your pink pet needs, so check them out, go crazy, and I’ll speak to you again very soon 😉 -Mikey

visit the chihuahua clothes shop

Chihuahua Rescue Using Chihuahua Clothes

This is probably going to sound a little weird, but I used to work chihuahua rescue for a local dog shelter, and I would use chihuahua clothes on the rescued chihuahuas to help them get adopted a lot faster. That’s actually one of the reasons I love chihuahua fashion so much: it’s so useful in making dogs look adorable, and when it comes to chihuahua rescue, appearances are everything!

I used to invite potential chihuahua adopters to all come over at the same time, on the same day, all five people who were interested in the same little chihuahua rescue doggie, all showing up at my place or at another foster’s pad at the same time to all see the chihuahua rescue at the same time. Nine times out of ten, when the rescued chihuahua was “naked” and not wearing chihuahua clothes, the people would see the little antisocial chihuahua rescue (if he was antisocial) and they’d start talking about his personality and how it might be hard to fit him into their home and how it might be hard to train him, and this and that. Personally, I think chihuahuas are the easiest breed of dog to train, rehabilitate, correct–whatever you want to do–because they are so small and really don’t do much “damage” even when you are working on their issues and they do something you don’t like. But that’s beside the point, here. Back to chihuahua rescue and how chihuahua clothes fit in:

The Chihuahua Rescue Dogs And Their Clothes

What I noticed is that when I’d do the same exact thing–when me and my volunteer friends were out saving chihuahuas off the streets and from bad homes, and we’d come to foster them, and then line up the 4 or 5 potential adopters to come over at the same time on the same day–and I dressed the chihuahua rescues in cute chihuahua clothes, it was a completely different story.

Instead of talking about the chihuahua rescue’s problems and how it might be so hard fostering chihuahuas that are damaged and these abandoned chihuahuas, etc; they would be talking about how awesome the little chihuahua rescue was and how they want to adopt her, and they’d almost break out fighting right there in my home over who was going to adopt this little chihuahua rescue dressed up in tiny chihuahua outfits!

It was hilarious to watch the same scene play out over and over again! It got to the point for me and some of the other people fostering chihuahuas that chihuahua rescues were a piece of cake to adopt out.

Abandoned chihuahuas rescued from the side of the road yesterday and spent the night at the dog pound over night? No problem: give him to us, we’ll dress him up in chihuahua clothing from the Chihuahua Shop, take some photos of him and then post them on Dogster, and within a few days we’d have enough potential adopters to hold another one of our adopt-a-chihuahua days at one of the fosters’ homes and get another chihuahua rescued and adopted into a good home. It was like clock work!

So I definitely have a soft spot in my heart when I see a chihuahua rescue and the people who helped rescue that chihuahua, who acted as a chihuahua foster, or who adopted a chihuahua: I think it is so awesome! My own two chihuahuas are chihuahua rescues, including Namaste, the Chihuahua Shop’s mascot.

So for all of you involved in chihuahua rescue, volunteering your time, I freaking salute you: you rock, and the world needs you. My advice is to help them get adopted easier by dressing them up in chihuahua clothes from the Chihuahua Shop before taking their pictures you’ll post online for people to see, or before showing the chihuahua rescue to potential adopters in person. And that will almost always help you get a chihuahua adoption with less work! Keep up the great work and keep rescuing chihuahuas, you amazing people!

visit the chihuahua clothes shop