Chihuahua Dress

Hello again! It’s Namaste the chihuahua! Mikey has stepped out for a break from work and I’m going to pounce on this opportunity to tell about the chihuahua dress selection at the Chihuahua Clothes Shop right now! They have a sale running right now on these dressy chihuahua outfits, and if you have a chihuahua doggie like me you enjoy dressing up, you might want to check it out!

My owner Mikey has bought me a lot of different chihuahua dresses over the past year, and probably my two favorites have been my little chihuahua ball gown and my chihuahua skirt. These are simple little chihuahua clothing dresses that make me feel like a little cute cupcake who’s about to dine with a queen and sip tea over croissants in a royal palace! Oh, I get so excited just thinking about it! WOOooo!

Talking with my chihuahua friends here in town, we concur that small dog dresses like these are so fantastic and make us feel so good when our owners take care of us and look after us and care enough about us to dress us in one of these beautiful chihuahua dress outfits! There are formal chihuahua clothes like these that the lucky chihuahua dogs of the rich and famous get to wear on a regular basis, but most of us little doggies in our little “Dog Land” don’t have the privilege of donning these special dresses for chiwawa pups, and so when we do get to wear them, it’s truly a special occasion for us!

Mikey is always telling me how dresses for chihuahuas these days often come designed with a little harness loop built into the back of the outfit, so that owners can simply grab their chihuahua lead and clip it on to the back of the dress and away we go on our walk with you! The innovations in little dog dress fashion design never ceases to amaze me! I used to watch the little toy doggie walking the catwalk (or is it the dogwalk?) ont the fashion chihuahua dress shows, where the chi owners walk with their gorgeously dressed little dogs down the runway and the chihuahuas are all dressed up in expensive chihuahua accessories like diamond necklaces for little dogs and the like, and I would feel so jealous that I never had the opportunity to do the same!

But now, with the chihuahua clothing Mikey has at the Chihuahua Shop, you can find the perfect little chihuahua dress for your favorite little chihuahua pet, and you’ll make her day so special when you give it to her and dress her in it! OOOoooo! I can hear Mikey’s foot steps outside the door so I’d better go, but take a look at those chihuahua dress outfits, and I’ll type at you again real soon! Aye Chiwawa!!… -Namaste Arigato, the coolest Chihuahua ever!

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Clothes for Small Dogs Like Chihuahuas

When you live around dog lovers who probably have more clothes for small dogs than they do for themselves, you get into some interesting conversations about chihuahua clothes and other costumes and clothes for little dogs. Sometimes we simply discuss the new additions to the Chihuahua Shop, and other times it’s more a conversation about what our smaller dogs would dress us in if the tables were turned!–which, by the way, I really don’t care to think about too hard, haha.

Small dog clothing is everywhere in the dog world today, and it’s likely because these small dog outfits are so darn cute. You can literally click on over to the Chihuahua Clothes Shop, order up your favorite little outfit and clothes for yorkies, wait a few days, and be dressing your little puppy in that cute little dog outfit and making him look about 10x cuter than you’ve ever seen him, and all in the matter of a few days.

Clothing for small dogs isn’t even as expensive as it used to be. Before, you’d have to pay just about 50% more on most of the small dog apparel I see in the dog clothing stores today. But now, you can find cheap clothes for small dogs without much effort if you shop around the sale section of the Chihuahua Shop or the super, super cheap and discounted wholesale small dog clothing retailers online like the DogDug. And it’s nice because you no longer have to fork over and arm and two toes just to pick out a few snazzy new chihuahua outfits for your small chiwawa puppy. You can get him a few small dog sweaters or a couple of small dog coats to keep him warm in the cooler months of the year without having to stress over blowing your entire paycheck all in one chihuahua clothing shopping session, which is nice!

And the variety of clothes for small doggies that exists today far exceeds what was available before. Looking around at the various chihuahua boutiques, you’ll see dozens of different designer chihuahua dresses as well as discount dresses for small dogs you could hardly believe existed if you didn’t see them with your own two eyes.

And the shirts for smaller dogs like chihuahuas and Maltese pups you’ll find today, even in the major pet stores, are getting rather trendy and fashion-tastic! Clothing for small dogs has never been as stylish and funky as it is right now, and if you ask me, clothes for small dogs SHOULD be funky and freaky and cool like this. No longer do we have to settle for boring chihuahua attire or the lazy yorkie fashion that the designers were putting out years ago. Today, we have these awesome, imaginative Maltese clothes that rival Lady Gaga’s outfits! And that is saying a lot 🙂

The small chihuahua dog clothes the customers of the Chihuahua Shop reflect this sentiment as well: it’s the crazy, freaky fashion for small dogs that is selling out, over the more traditional, formal dog clothing today, and it has been this way ever since I started that store. The outfits for small dogs that people crave to dress their little dogs up in are the ones that stand out, catch your eye, and either shock you outright or make you explode with uncontrollable laughter for minutes on end. And for the sake of our chihuahuas and or little toy dogs of every breed, I think this is pretty cool because it means they are going to be getting more attention and affection from their owners!

If you’d like to shop for these clothes for small dogs, head over to the Shop there and have a look for yourself! Until next time, be fun, be fashionable, and be a freakshow, baby! hahaha! -Mikey

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Dog Boutiques That Sell Quality Chihuahua Clothes

In my travels as a chihuahua clothes enthusiast, I’ve come across many dog boutiques that sell small dog clothing that ranges from the designer pet fashion that costs thousands of dollars per outfit, to the bargain basement-type cheap chihuahua clothing shops that typically try to sell thinly woven, poorly made clothing for chihuahuas and yorkies and other small breeds that fall apart within a few weeks, in my experience.

At the Chihuahua Shop, I’ve worked to find a balance between these two types of small dogie boutique stores, and sell dog accessories that mimic the quality of the thousand-dollar outfits while costing a fraction of what they can run for. In other words, our chihuahua store sells designer dog clothes at a reasonable price.

Now, I know that “reasonable” is in the eye of the beholder and is largely determined by the size of said person’s bank account. I’ll be frank: if I were a billionaire and had more money than God, I don’t think I would mind spending $3000 on a Swarovski crystal studded chihuahua dress, or $1000 or a pair of chihuahua haute couture doggie booties for my little dogs. And I’m sure they wouldn’t mind wearing this kind of small dog clothing either! Dog fashion has always looked good on my little dogs, although–I know–I am a little biased 😉

Of course, most people can’t afford to drop that kind of money at a pet boutique on clothing for their little dogs, much less for themselves! So the dog supplies people buy for their chihuahua dogs at the Chihuahua Shop are small dog clothes and chihuahua accessories that typically run around $40 and $50 for a really nice chihuahua outfit or a pair of designer yorkie pants.

Connecting people with the best chiwawa clothing you can get at sub-hundred dollar level prices is my main focus with the Chihuahua Shop right now, and if you’ve been looking for a good chihuahua store that sells this kind of clothing, check out the Chihuahua dog boutiques selection of clothing here. You can go to the local pet store to find generic dog clothing, our you can shop online in the quality dog boutiques that focus on providing the highest quality chihuahua clothing that exists today. We’re the latter.

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Designer Doggie Clothes For Chihuahuas

It’s been freaking exciting around here lately in chihuahua land with the arrival of the new designer doggie clothes and chihuahua accessories like the new Wizard of Oz doggie collars for little dogs. They’re so darn cute! And when you couple them with custom made pet apparel from the Chihuahua Shop, you’re well on your way to having a little fashion dog of your own!

Designer chihuahua clothes are the best type of small doggie clothes, if you ask me. You can pair them with some Swarovski dog jewelry to make your chiwawa into that whole runway fashion chihuahua designer doggy that we love so much, like a little dog straight out of the movies.

And when it comes to dog clothes from designers, there’s no shortage of those! Just briefly browsing around the chihuahua clothing boutiques online, I’ve seen dog costumes and dresses from the luxury brands that run into the thousands of dollars!

The Chihuahua Shop doesn’t focus on those super luxury, insanely expensive brands of clothing for chihuahuas and other small dogs, but instead specializes in bringing in designer dog fashion that looks exquisite while also not costing a small fortune. Some of the designer outfits I’ve seen on my neighbors’ chihuahua dogs lately, that have come from the Chihuahua Store, have been blowing me away in terms of how freaking hot they make the little doggies look! It’s like they just stepped out of the pages of Chihuahua Fashion GQ or something!

The designer chihuahua outfits we carry aim to create that luxury doggie clothes feel of the outfits you’d pay hundreds of dollars for, but sell for what regular small dog clothes are priced at, so it’s a great value for most small dog owners.

We carry designer dog coats and dog carriers for chihuahuas, as well as customizable designer dog collars for smaller dogs, as well as some trendy new dog jewelry right now. So if you’re looking designer doggie clothes, head over to the Chihuahua Shop now, and I’ll speak to you again soon! -Mikey

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Dog Fashions For Chihuahuas

I’ve been a chihuahua owner and a follower of the different dog fashions for a while now. At the Chihuahua Store, we stock designer chihuahua clothes of many different types, and while I thought I knew my chihuahua fashion trends, my friend from Paris puts me to shame in this department.

She grew up in France and spent part of her life living in London, living the dog fashion UK scene for a while, and having been to many of the European dog fashion show events in the early 2000s, she sure knows her chihuahua clothing!

Walking through her home is a little bit like walking through a chihuahua fashion wonderland, with little dogs of different breeds coming greet you in every room, in their cute little doggie fashions and their little bling chihuahua accessories. My Parisian friend has a particular focus with her small dogs and it’s to make them each into a high fashion dog that has his/her own unique character.

“The trick,” she says, “is to know your dog intimately. From there, it’s only a matter of finding the right fashion for the dog.” It sounds simple, but this girl lives and breathes fashion for chihuahuas and her other toy breed dogs, and she really knows how to make it look easy.

She tells me her favorite dog fashion accessories from the Chihuahua Shop are the customizable fashion dog collars, with the Diamante crystal lettering; and the fashion dog carriers we have, that look like designer hand bags but that are actually designer dog carriers for your fashionably late chihuahua. She pairs these two to create the double effect of a fashionable dog owner walking the street, and a to-die-for fashionable dog that emerges from the bag when she sets it down and it’s time for her chihuahua to walk!

I’ve asked my friend if she’d ever consider organizing a dog fashion show to raise money for the local rescue group here in Sayulita, because she knows her pet fashion so well, and she said she would love to, so I’m super stoked about it! Not only am I going to be treated to a chihuahua dog fashion spectacle, some money will be raised to help the local chihuahua rescue and dog shelter her in the Riviera Nayarit. So fingers are crossed for that!

If you’d like to see some of the best fashion dog clothes for chihuahuas I’ve ever seen, head over to the Chihuahua Shop and check out their dog fashions. They’re super adorable, reasonably priced, and very high quality, so go check them out now, and I’ll be back here again soon! -Mikey

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