Doggie Coat: The Savior of Little Dogs

As the proud owner of two awesome chihuahuas, I am definitely a fan of the doggie coat. I didn’t realize this when I first came to be a chihuahua owner, but these little buggers cool off rather easily and can spend a lot of their time shaking like mad if you don’t wrap them up in clothes for chihuahaus of some kind. So my default, go-to outfit for Namaste and her foster brother Custy right now are their warm doggie coats: I dress them up before we go to bed, and this way they stay warm and comfortable during the night.

Along with this, I watch Cesar Millan’s program regularly and I take his advice on treating your little dog like any other dog and taking him for a good walk every day. Well right now, I’m living in a part of the planet where the floodgates to the heavens open up frequently and it pours like I have never seen before, and so I’ve also recently become fond of the rainwear dog coat for my chihuahuas, that help them stay dry for the most part on their walks with me in the rain! My little dogs start shaking almost immediately upon getting even just a few drops of water on their fur coats, so it’s important to me to keep them dry so they can actually enjoy their walks and not feel like they’re on a torture trek!

Aside from these doggie coats, I’ve pretty much tried them all. Before living here in Mexico, we were up in Canada for the winter, and so we had the entire doggy wardrobe going on. Each of my little dogs had a dog sweater and they had the dog bomber jackets and fleece doggie coats. I even had a few velvet dog coats and suede doggie jackets for my precious Namaste, because I know how much she loves her little doggie fashion! I’m also huge fan of those cool little leather doggie jackets that make your dog look like a little canine fashion diva version of Marlon Brando in Streetcar Named Desire, and I’m also a big fan of the plaid dog jackets you can find that have those funky, classic chihuahua clothes patterns on them!

Of course, when we were indoors, the dogs had to be dressed up to the K-9s in their doggie couture, so I had them dolled up in their dog vests and, when travelling, I’d have the chiwawas sporting their little black faux mink coat! Canada for them really was like one big photo opp/fashion-fest, for these chihuahua dogs!

Aside from the above jackets and outfits, I also bought my chihuahuas a quilted doggie coat to keep them warm, and there were a few other chihuahua coats I just can’t remember–there were so many!

But today, it’s definitely the doggie rain coats that are saving the day. The Dog Whisperer says we should walk, and I agree, and so we do, and if it weren’t for the dog rain coat, my chihuahuas would be completely freezing their little buts off, so it would be hard for me to part with those right now!

Anyway, if you’re searching for a good doggie coat, go check them out there at the Chihuahua Store, and I’ll speak to you again soon with the latest scoop from the fashionable world of chihuahua clothes and small dog clothing! -Mikey

visit the chihuahua clothes shop

The Chihuahua Sweater: Chihuahua Clothing You Can’t Really Argue About

The chihuahua sweater is by far one of the most functional and practical pieces of dog clothing you can get for your little chi. I’ve stocked a number of very high quality sweaters at the Chihuahua Clothes Shop, here, that are perfect for keeping little dogs warm. We also have chihuahua hoodies you can customize with a print type message of your choosing, which is very cool if you have a chihuahua dog who has got some serious attitude and you want to promote that to the world a bit in a fashionable way!

Sweaters and jackets for chihuahuas come in both the hand knit sweaters that have those adorable knitted dog sweater patterns woven in, as well as the thinner, hoody-style small dog sweaters for chihuahuas and other little doggies, both of which you can find at the Chihuahua Store and quite a few other online boutiques, GW Little for example. When you pair these with a dog coat for your little chiwawa pup, you’re ensuring your small dog stays warm and comfortable with his small dog clothes when living in places and spaces that cool off and get cold at times (or all the time, if you’re like me and you’ve lived in Canada during the winter!)

If you live in a warm climate but you hang out with your dog in air conditioned rooms a lot of the time, you might also want to think about investing in a little dog sweater or a dog hoodie for your chihuahua, to keep him warm. Chihuahuas and other little dogs tend to cool off and shed their body heat rather quickly thanks to a high metabolism, and they can get very cold and shake like crazy when spending a lot of time in an air con room with their owners, as a result.

browse knitted sweaters at the Chihuahua Clothes Shop

So if you’ve got a chihuahua of your own, I definitely recommending taking a look through some chihuahua sweaters to find one you’d like for your pooch. In the hand knit variety, there are some gorgeous outfits that feature a beautifully sewn chihuahua patter on their back, and you can even find these among the cheap dog sweaters in the discount dog clothing stores, today.

If you’re looking for designer dog sweaters, go to the Chihuahua Shop and have a look at their chihuahua sweater selection. They sell only quality chihuahua clothes, and they have great customer service. So go check them out, and I’ll back here again soon with the latest from the pet fashion world! -Mikey

browse the chihuahua clothing store

Clothes For Dogs: Using A Dog Backpack To Keep Fido Warm

This is a little outside the realm of what I normally write about on here, but I want to discuss dog backpacks in this article. When someone talks to me about clothes for dogs, I’m usually thinking shirts, sweaters, and coats for dogs, not backpacks; but go with me here and I’ll tell you why I see backpacks as an important tool in my chihuahua’s wardrobe, and in each one of my dogs’ wardrobe, in fact.

So what the hell is a dog backpack? Well it’s just that: it’s a little backpack your pooch carries on his back to intensify the walk and make it more of a workout for him.

I do a lot of training work with dogs and their owners, and when it comes to the clothes owners buy for their dogs, I see two main kinds of customers: people looking to dress up their dog all cute and cuddly and make him adorable, and people who find their dog is a little too cold and want to find a sweater or a coat for their dog to keep him warm.

Costumes, sweaters, and coats for dogs accomplish accommodate those two types of cases quite well, but combining them with a dog backpack takes each of those one step further. For starters, they look so ridiculously cute on your dog that even if you’re walking by the neighborhood Grinch, you’re bound to get a high pitched, squeaky voice “OoOOooh! How cute!!” out of the person. But second of all, it keeps your little teacup chihuahua or your big german shepherd warmer by making the walk a more intense workout for him. And by making the walk more of a workout, your dog heats up faster from the more intense exercise, and so it actually helps keep your pooch warm from the inside out, in addition to him wearing a shirt or dog sweater underneath. If you live in a super cold place in the winter, this really helps; I’m from Canada and it is bloody freezing up there in the winter, and even with a sweater and shirt on, my dogs still shiver. But I add a dog backpack onto each of them, in addition to their clothes for dogs, and the shivering stops and they do great on the walk.

You can put whatever you want in the backpack. Personally, I fill my dogs’ backpacks with bottles of water or bean bags, depending the dog I have. I do a lot of fostering for different rescued dogs, so I adjust the weight for the particular dog I’m working with. With the pitbull mix I currently have, I load him up with 2 litres of water in his backpack, which intensifies the walk for him and makes a half hour walk seem more like a one hour walk for him, which is great because he’s got a lot of energy and needs a ton of exercise to stay balanced. For my chihuahua, though, I just put a beanbag in each side of the backpack and make her carry those on the walk, much less weight for her far smaller size, so I don’t strain here smaller muscles too much. The backpacks work great on our early morning walks, when it’s cold out and the dogs are cold and they’re also ready to tear a hole in the side of the planet with all their energy after just waking up!

So I highly recommend using a dog backpack if you live in a colder climate and want to help keep your k-9 companion a little bit warmer on the cool days of this brutal winter, or if you have a higher level energy dog who requires a lot of exercise each day. Along with your pooch’s other clothes for dogs, I’m sure he’d welcome a little backpack into his K-9 wardrobe, haha! So surprise him with a little backpack on his next birthday. You can find a lot of great ones online and actually some excellent ones in traditional pet stores. Check them out!

browse the chihuahua clothing store