Pocket Chihuahua Dogs Live a Challenged Life, Often

When I first heard my friend use the phrase “pocket chihuahua,” my eyebrow had to have raised while I wondered what the hell she was talking about. “She’s probably talking about a ‘teacup chihuahua,’ I thought. And as my mind kept thinking about little mini chihuahuas you would carry around in your pocket, my friend kept explaining to me how much she wants to get one of these little pocket chihuahuas.

And as I listened to her talk and go on and on about how much one of these micro picket tea cup chihuahuas would mean to her, I couldn’t help but wonder why on earth it’s so important to some of us that our dogs be so insanely small and tiny.

I recently learned that these tiny chihuahuas are as small as they are either:

a) because they are just young puppies that have not grown up yet into their full size,

b) they are adults, but have remained small because whoever took care of them when they were developing fed them the bare minimum it took to sustain their little bodies and malnourished them into remaining small and underdeveloped,

or c) because they are the product of breeders’ selection, where only the smallest chihuahuas are bred again and again with each other, with a lot of inbreeding and very little genetic diversity introduced from generation to generation and, as a result, a lot of inbred health problems cropping up with these little guys.

Pocket chihuahua video…

I’m not someone who likes to judge, but when I hear about all the problems that dogs this small typically encounter, from the people I’ve talked to who have had them, I can’t help but feel a little shitty for these tiny guys.

I’m all for small dogs. I think they’re adorable, I think they’re cute, and I almost can’t resist them any more. I’ve gone gaga for the chihuahua breed. And I love to dress them up in the cutest little chihuahua clothes to boot!

But I like them in their natural state, the way nature intended. When we humans start screwing with the natural cycle of things and creating little dogs like these pocket chihuahuas that often have a hard time breathing and a host of other medical maladies, I do not feel good about that. I’m not a fan of that, and for me, that’s crossing the line.

If you have one of these micro pocket chihuahua dogs and she’s a healthy little bugger, I’m happy for you. And if you’d like to dress her up in the latest pocket chihuahua clothes, I’d recommend checking out the Chihuahua Shop in that case. But if you’re thinking about getting a chihuahua and you’re considering these tiny pocket ones, I really hope you’ll reconsider. They may look cute, but being that small has a lot of setbacks, and to keep supporting the people breeding and sometimes underfeeding these animals is not helping these little guys. A lot of these little dogs live challenged lives, and that’s not cool. So please, please, please: reconsider your choice to buy a pocket chihuahua if you’re looking to buy one… -Mikey
