It’s been a blast lately stocking the Chihuahua Shop with the new clothes for small dogs! Some of the little dog clothing that has been coming in for the new season is totally adorable, and a lot of the chihuahua clothes outfits are to die for!!
Talking with my neighbors and some of my dog lover friends, it seems a lot of dog people first thing of designer clothes for small dogs when first thinking about small dog clothing. They envision the frilly laced chihuahua clothes and the fashionable small dog clothing with all the bows and ribbons, and the haute couture outfits for tiny dogs that we’ve all come to love and adore on small dogs on TV, in the movies, and maybe even on your own dog if you like to splurge on new fashion for your chihuahua!
But of course, there is also practical clothing for dogs like coats for jackets, and this is true for virtually all breeds of dog. Clothes for small dogs do come in the heavy coats for small dogs form, and you can find small dog winter jackets and cute sweaters for smaller dogs like chihuahuas at online chihuahua boutique shops like the Chihuahua Shop.
Then of course, we have the costumes for small doggies that at least I, personally, love to look at and chuckle… or burst out laughing uncontrollably and almost pass out from a lack of oxygen when I see some of them on little chihuahuas and yorkies, Maltese pups and shih tzus and pugs alike. These small dog outfits definitely appeal to the more humorous side of we dog lovers!
But anyway, if you’re looking for clothes for small dogs, definitely check out the Chihuahua Shop to see some of the very best, highest quality, and most creative and sheik chihuahua clothes for small dogs on the planet. They even have a sale on right now, so you can save a few bones on some of this small dog clothing right now! Go check it out at the link below:
Dog clothes are everywhere today, and whether you’re into chihuahua dog clothes or you’re more a cute dog clothes shopper, it’s these stylish dog clothes that dog owners are flocking to today. My neighbors, and all the pet owners of the little beach town I live in today is going gaga when they shop dog clothes online, and I’m lucky enough to get to see all this chihuahua clothing and these funky dog clothes on their little pets all the time!
Dog clothing does have its detractors, though, and while I think chihuahua clothing is totally fabu and that dressing up your dog in the most fashion-tastic designer dog clothes can be a lot of fun and a very good thing, not everyone feels the same. There are people who completely scoff at the very notion of dog fashion, and believe it to be cruel to dress a dog in an extra layer of fur.
Dog Clothes – Is There A Downside?
I think we have to respect their doggie clothes opinion, because not all of use have seen dog dresses and dog coats used in the same way. I know I have personally seen small dogs wearing heavy, thick dog clothes in the middle of the searing summer, when they’re out in the summer sun and the heat is bearing down on their and their small dog clothes, and that’s not at all cool in my books.
I think this goes without saying, but in terms of dog outfits, you have to use common sense with these little dog clothes, and dog clothing for all breeds of pet dogs. If you’re going to shop for new dog clothing at the Chihuahua Shop, or wherever it is that you buy your toy dog clothes, then please please PLEASE make sure you clothe your dogs responsibly and that you’re not going to make them wear dog clothes out in the sun and cause them to suffer in the heat!
Dog Clothes: Where To Shop For Them
But if you’re like the VAST majority of dog owners who dresses up her dogs in dog fashion, and you have some basic sense about this 🙂 then you probably know what I mean when I say that dog clothes are just about the coolest thing ever when it comes to shopping for your dog. Small dog clothing lets you dress up your dog and give him or her the look of your choosing, and you can have so much dog fashion fun with that. Do I say have fun with dog clothes and enjoy the entire dog clothing experience!
I’ve been noticing it’s not exactly easy to find dog accessories UK made and sold, but the Chihuahua Shop is one place where can actually find small dog accessories that ship out of England. Especially when you live in London and you don’t feel like shopping form some American dog store and have everything sent overseas and having to pay a big shipping fee, as a dog owner who likes to spoil your dog, it’s nice when you can shop for little dog accessories in the United Kingdom. And that’s what the Chihuahua Shop is for.
The Shop carries the latest chihuahua accessories out of London. You can find England dog accessories in the local pet stores, but then you’re usually limited in the selection of small dog clothing and to the manufactured dog accessories in Europe. If you shop online, you have access to the whole world. The Chihuahua Shop brings in some of the best dog clothing from all over the world, to it’s warehouses in the UK, and then ships it out to you from there, so the shipping costs are low and the dog accessories UK shipments get to you quickly, which is nice.
Ordering Dog Accessories UK When You Live Here: A Waiting Game
It’s never fun when you live in the UK and you buy some new dog accessories online, and then you have to wait a month or six weeks for them arrive! You can find simple UK dog collars and basic UK dog supplies at your local Tesco, but if you want the nice chihuahua clothes and the cool dog costumes you see when you browse around online, you’re probably going to have order them online! The problem, of course, is that a lot of these shops are based in the US and so, like I said, it can take a long time for your ordered dog accessories to ship over to the UK, and it sucks when you have to wait forever for your new dog accessories to get to you over in England!
Dog Accessories UK: Where You Can Find Them
So to simplify this whole ordeal, we’ve set up the dog accessories UK branch of the Chihuahua shop, so that you can shop for the latest chihuahua clothes, puppy collars, hats for dogs, and all the other small dog accessories that you love right at home, in the UK, and have it ship out from our UK dog shop branch and not have to wait forever for them to arrive. In this way, shopping for pet clothes and dog accessories in Britain is a lot easier! So head over to the Chihuahua Shop now and check the dog accessories out, and I’ll speak to you again soon. -Mikey
It’s been a lot of fun watching people who’ve been buying the new cool dog collars from the Chihuahua Shop, trying out their new stylish dog collar on their little dog and walking around the little city plaza here where I live. The Chihuahua Shop carries a number of super cool dog collars, to go along with the small dog clothing we specialize in for chihuahuas and other little dogs, and it’s an online store, but the locals here get restless sometimes. They know me and they know that I run the Chihuahua Shop, and so sometimes my dog lover neighbors show up at my door with a burning need to buy a new collar for their dog right now.
I can’t always accommodate them because the dog clothes and the custom dog collars ship from elsewhere! But I usually have a few spares of most of our chihuahua clothes and the new and very cool dog collars that we just got in, and so it is sometimes possible for me to help out my small dog owning fanatic neighbors, who would probably kill to get their hands on the latest designer dog collar for their chihuahua!
An Obsession With Cool Dog Collars
Some of the people in this chihuahua town are flat-out obsessed with cool dog collars and they buy every kind of cool dog collar, along with the personalized puppy collarsand the flashy pink dog collars, that they can get their hands on.
They tell me that small dog collars “are the gateway to chihuahua fashion stardom” for their little dogs. And while I ponder their words for a half-second before wondering if they’re insane, I tell them about the latest cool dog collars that are being released soon and that the Chihuahua Shop is getting in and I sit back and watch them salivate like a hungry dog getting a bone. Yes, some of my neighbors are fashion freak shows, God bless them!
I guess for some people, chihuahua collars, and really all collars for small dogs, are something truly special: they’re a dog accessory you get to express your inner fashionista (and your dog’s inner fashionista) through a bling-tacular, flashy, glamorous piece of jewelry that is subtle, but sublime. You can tell I’m channelling my fashion-minded neighbors right now!
Cool Dog Collars: Find Them at The Chihuahua Shop…
But in all seriousness, I do understand their passion for beautiful chihuahua collars and the new collars we have at the Chihuahua Shop right now for little dogs. So, if you’re looking for cool dog collars for your toy breed dog, be sure to click over there at check them out! -Mikey
Ever since I first adopted my chihuahuas a few years back, I’ve had a soft spot for toy dog clothing and the chihuahua clothes I love to dress up my little doggies with. For me, small dog clothing is my favorite way of really externalizing my chihuahua’s personality for others to see and “get” immediately, and to just have my own fun with dressing her up and living in a bit of a chihuahua fantasy land! But recently, I ran into a situation at puppy training class with a new chihuahua rescue I’m fostering right now where toy dog clothes were actually getting in the way!
So this chihuahua rescue I took in a few weeks ago, he has a lot of potential to be a chihuahua superstar: he’s very attentive, he’s super obedient, and he loves wearing his toy dog outfits. So I enlisted him in puppy training classes and have been taking him three times per week to his classes with him dressed up in his chihuahua clothing.
The problem is not with my chihuahua pup or any of the other dogs: they’re all super friendly and they get along famously. This bizarre problem has to do with the other dog owners and my little chihuahua doggie’s toy dog fashion that I dress him in: his toy dog clothing is drawing too much attention from the other owners in the class and they’re actually getting distracted from the exercises we’re supposed to be doing and it’s interfering with the entire class. It’s insanity!
I go to these dog training classes with my chihuahua dressed up in his toy doggie clothing, and I almost feel like I’m trapped in a zombie movie or something with all of these people coming after me and my dog who simply can’t control themselves and keep from coming after us to touch him and talk to me! It’s insanity! Combining this little chihuahua with his tiny chihuahua dog clothes is proving to be too much for these other owners to handle! They see my little Winston in his cool toy dog apparel and it’s like gravity pulling them away from their training exercises with their own dog: they have to come over and talk to me and comment on how cute my chihuahua is in his toy dog clothing and how he reminds them of this other dog they once had, and this and that… it’s madness, I say.
I like to use chihuahua dog clothing to help dogs and people, not interfere with them, so for the last two classes, I’ve actually left my little chihuahua pup’s toy dog costumes and small dog coats off, in the car, just so that he isn’t quite as much of a draw. It’s been helping, as the other owners are doing a better job of concentrating on their work, but now my little Winston isn’t getting his training while wearing his small dog coats and his little dog clothing, which isn’t ideal because I want that association to be there. Perhaps I’ll have to dress him back up in his toy dog clothing after a few more sessions and see if the other owners can behave themselves.
I’m almost hesitant to do this because I know that whenever you dress up a chihuahua in clothing for toy dogs, it’s like giving the world an invitation to come over and touch your dog and squeal with delight and remark over how cute your doggie is! And then I have to almost get into that “alright bitch, back the f!*# away from my dog!”-mode just to stop all the commotion and continue with what I was wanting to do. I don’t like having to go there, but sometimes duty calls, you know?
Haha! Well anyways, the Chihuahua Shop has some super high quality toy dog clothing that I think you should check out if you’re into your chihuahua toy dog’s clothes and you enjoy dressing her up into that toy dog fashionista diva superstar. So head over to the Shop, check it out, and I’ll back again soon, probably with another weird story about toy dog clothing that hopefully does not involve me punching someones lights out for not giving me and my chihuahua the space we need to do our training work, after I snap, black out, and lose it. Lol. Speak soon, -Mikey