Chihuahua Dogs: An Adorable Icon Of Affection Via Fashion

Chihuahua dogs are famous around the world for their adorably small and cute cuddly appearance.  They’ve been forever burned into our minds and immortalized through movies like Beverly Hills Chihuahua, and they hold a special place in many dog owner’s hearts as the prototypical “little dog” breed.

Compared to other breeds of dogs, chihuahuas are a relatively easy breed to take care of.  Their small size makes them much easier to manage, since they can’t destroy your house nearly as much as larger breed dogs if they’re unbalanced and have issues–and a lot of them do.  Many owners treat their chihuahuas like their little babies, which only messes up these poor little dogs, but I digress…  Yes, it is definitely a lot easier to take care of a little chihuahua than a larger breed dog.  The smaller size just makes them much lower maintenance because they have a lower level of need.

I notice, especially with chihuahua dogs, that a lot of people tend to purchase or pick up or adopt their tiny pet when they’re in a highly emotional moment in their life, and so they tend to select a dog that makes them feel something.  And when people look at a chihuahua, many can’t help but have that “OOOOOHHHHhhh, how cute!!!” reaction to it, and they immediately have to go over and touch it and talk to it in the high pitched, squeaky voice, and make a big scene.  So a lot of chihuahuas are brought into homes primarily because of how they look and how they make people feel when they look at these dogs.  This is probably why chihuahua clothes are so popular with owners: even with chihuahua puppies of just a few weeks, owners often doll up their newly born cuddly “chiwawa”–yes, many name their dogs after the breed itself, in this skewed way (I know: it’s a little freaky… but cute at the same time)–in costumes and take their older cute and cuddly little chiwawa dog for a spin around the park and to socialize with all the other little dogs and meet and greet the owners… it can be quite a scene, to say the least!  Especially when the owners start talking like that: “my chiwawa dog is so smart, how about your chiwawa??” hahaha.  I love it.

But no matter what your opinion on small breed dogs, you have to admit that chihuahuas are, in one way or another, kinda cute… at least the starlet-fashionistas think so in Hollywood–Paris and Tinkerbell, anyone!?  They are by far the most famous celebrity-chihuahua pairing.  Or should I say chiwawa celebrity pairing?–haha!

And of course, a lot of people find that they have to dress their teacup chihuahua–and even long hair chihuahuas–up in clothes for dogs to keep them warm, and so the clothes serve do serve a more practical function.  But these dog clothes take on another dimension when it comes to chihuahuas and other little dogs: this kind of fashion freakshow effect that seems to take over when owners go shopping for chihuahua clothes!  A lot of chihuahua owners will love buying costumes and little shirts and sweaters and coats for dogs that dress their little poochy up in a way where he looks adorable and fashion forward, in addition to providing him with some additional warmth.  And sometimes these costumes get a little out of hand and silly and.. ok, bonkers, but that’s half the fun–right?–walking down the street and seeing your neighbor with her fashion freakshow chihuahua, haha!  It makes my day every time!  This isn’t strictly with smaller breed dogs, but it’s definitely more common with them:

By the way, in case you’re wondering, it’s spelled chihuahua dogs, not as many people will write like chiuaua or chiwawa or whatever variation; it has to do with the latin pronounciation, like you’d say it if you were in Mexico, speaking spanish.  So that’s a little bit about what I notice is going on in the world with chihuahua dogs.  I normally write about chihuahua clothes, but sometimes you have to shine the spotlight on the models themselves, not just the fashion!  Cheers, owners of awesome chihuahua dogs!  Until next time!  -Michelle

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Clothes For Dogs: Using A Dog Backpack To Keep Fido Warm

This is a little outside the realm of what I normally write about on here, but I want to discuss dog backpacks in this article. When someone talks to me about clothes for dogs, I’m usually thinking shirts, sweaters, and coats for dogs, not backpacks; but go with me here and I’ll tell you why I see backpacks as an important tool in my chihuahua’s wardrobe, and in each one of my dogs’ wardrobe, in fact.

So what the hell is a dog backpack? Well it’s just that: it’s a little backpack your pooch carries on his back to intensify the walk and make it more of a workout for him.

I do a lot of training work with dogs and their owners, and when it comes to the clothes owners buy for their dogs, I see two main kinds of customers: people looking to dress up their dog all cute and cuddly and make him adorable, and people who find their dog is a little too cold and want to find a sweater or a coat for their dog to keep him warm.

Costumes, sweaters, and coats for dogs accomplish accommodate those two types of cases quite well, but combining them with a dog backpack takes each of those one step further. For starters, they look so ridiculously cute on your dog that even if you’re walking by the neighborhood Grinch, you’re bound to get a high pitched, squeaky voice “OoOOooh! How cute!!” out of the person. But second of all, it keeps your little teacup chihuahua or your big german shepherd warmer by making the walk a more intense workout for him. And by making the walk more of a workout, your dog heats up faster from the more intense exercise, and so it actually helps keep your pooch warm from the inside out, in addition to him wearing a shirt or dog sweater underneath. If you live in a super cold place in the winter, this really helps; I’m from Canada and it is bloody freezing up there in the winter, and even with a sweater and shirt on, my dogs still shiver. But I add a dog backpack onto each of them, in addition to their clothes for dogs, and the shivering stops and they do great on the walk.

You can put whatever you want in the backpack. Personally, I fill my dogs’ backpacks with bottles of water or bean bags, depending the dog I have. I do a lot of fostering for different rescued dogs, so I adjust the weight for the particular dog I’m working with. With the pitbull mix I currently have, I load him up with 2 litres of water in his backpack, which intensifies the walk for him and makes a half hour walk seem more like a one hour walk for him, which is great because he’s got a lot of energy and needs a ton of exercise to stay balanced. For my chihuahua, though, I just put a beanbag in each side of the backpack and make her carry those on the walk, much less weight for her far smaller size, so I don’t strain here smaller muscles too much. The backpacks work great on our early morning walks, when it’s cold out and the dogs are cold and they’re also ready to tear a hole in the side of the planet with all their energy after just waking up!

So I highly recommend using a dog backpack if you live in a colder climate and want to help keep your k-9 companion a little bit warmer on the cool days of this brutal winter, or if you have a higher level energy dog who requires a lot of exercise each day. Along with your pooch’s other clothes for dogs, I’m sure he’d welcome a little backpack into his K-9 wardrobe, haha! So surprise him with a little backpack on his next birthday. You can find a lot of great ones online and actually some excellent ones in traditional pet stores. Check them out!

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Chihuahua Clothes: Practical, Fashionable, And For Every Occasion!

Chihuahua dogs are small, petite little K-9s that are more likely to shiver and shake in colder climates than their bigger breed canine counterparts if they’re not wearing chihuahua clothes.  As a result, it’s very sensible to buy your little snuggle bug a few clothes for chihuahuas.

Little dogs are chosen by a lot of owners for their lower maintenance as well as the fact that they’re so darn cute and playful!  The teacup chihuahua is a very popular breed among small breed dog owners, and many chihuahua owners love following in the steps of Paris Hilton and dressing their chihuahua dogs up in costumes and clothes for dogs of every sort!

If you shop around online, you’ll find clothes for chihuahuas that are practical: coats, parkas, sweaters, and hoodies, all designed to keep your little cute chihuahua warm and wrapped up.  And you’ll also find clothes that are fashionable: t-shirts, dresses, jewelery, charms, fashionable carriers, and a lot more you probably wouldn’t expect!  There’s a huge industry surround chihuahua clothes out there today; it’s a spectacle unto itself!

There are some absolutely adorable costumes out there to fit and suit your dog for any holiday season, and you can really have fun with these when you’re going around town with your digital camera!  People go nuts when you’re on Facebook and you’re sharing pictures of you with your dressed up chihuahua dogs!

Regardless if you’re looking to pick up some clothes for a teacup chihuahua, or a puppy of some other breed, small dog sweaters for your yorkie or shih tzu or that adorable maltese and the long haired chihuahua down the road that your dog-loving neighbor has, small dog clothes like chihuahua clothes are in.  If you shop around online, you can find some seriously designer doggy clothes, some great pet accessories and jewelery for that little furry bundle of love in your life.  If you’re more practical, you’ll find fleece coats and dog sweaters to keep even your toy chihuahua warm; and if you’re more of a fun loving pet owner who loves to doll your chihuahua up in costumes and mini clothes that resemble human attire, you’ll certainly find a lot of that online, as well!  Just have a look around and you’re sure to find many different costumes and little chihuahua clothes that suit your K-9 fashion fancy!

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Chihuahua Clothes: For Fashion and Warmth

Chihuahua clothes are tiny costumes and coats for dogs you put on your little chihuahua to either keep him warm or to dress him up and make him look all snazzy and charming.

These clothes are often thought of as unnecessary by many dog owners, but when you have a smaller breed dog like a teacup chihuahua, little clothes like these keep the dog warm and safe from coming down with a cold when living in cooler countries. I’m from Canada personally and, when living there with my little pets, my chihuahua dogs make daily use of their tiny chihuahua clothes because it’s freezing in the winter time and they come from from a much hotter part of the planet. Even a long haired chihuahua will get cold in the winter, along with other small breeds, because they are still so small and have higher metabolisms that render them vulnerable to catch colds more frequently in colder weather than bigger breeds of dogs.

Chihuahua coats and shirts and sweaters let these little dogs walk outdoors in the cold without constantly shivering, making life a much more pleasant experience for them. The little clothes for dogs I make my chihuahuas wear enables them to get the exercise they need in the winter time, which is important to me, and very important for them, as it keeps them balanced and healthy–physically and mentally.

Another reason, of course, people buy apparel for their little dogs is to dress them up in costumes and make them adorable and cute for everyone to see. Like it or not, dressing your dog in chihuahua clothes attracts a lot of attention and, if you’re going to draw in the masses, you might as well do it in style with the latest small dog fashions!

Some people ask if chihuahua clothes are any different than clothes for other breeds of dogs, and the answer is both “yes” and “no”: no, the clothes you buy for these dogs are often no different than what you’d find at the pet store for a bigger dog like a lab, designed to keep them warm in the cold weather with wool sweaters and hoodies and so on; but yes, because you can find a lot of styles for chihuahuas that you can’t for other breeds: dresses, leather coats, pajamas, funny aprons and costumes that are available for chihuahuas often aren’t for larger breed pooches, and come in fashions and styles that are distinctly tailored for the chihuahua breed. The chihuahua fashion industry is more abundant than than the clothing market for any other breed of dog, so no matter what your reason for dressing your little dog up, be it for to keep her warm or to dress her up and make her look even more adorable, as an owner of chihuahua dogs, you have plenty of options available when it comes to chihuahua clothes!

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